20 [M]

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Hazel's point of view.

"This is weird," I mumble, sitting on the edge of Vince's bed after we ate dinner, took showers and brushed our teeth.

"Being here with you. It doesn't even feel real." I bite my lip pensively.

"Oh, it is real, all right," he says as he sits against the headboard, reading some magazine he found. He sounds awfully convinced. Maybe because he hasn't yearned for this as much as I did.

"How are you so sure?" I look at him. He's still reading.

Finally, he looks up. His eyes show he hasn't been listening.

"Hm?" he hums.

"So confident all the time..." I mumble.

He frowns but then his face softens with humor. "That's just charisma." He winks.

I roll my eyes, charmed despite myself. "Whatever."

He chuckles softly, putting away the magazine and crawling to me on the bed. I look into his eyes, a bit confused.

"What?" I ask.

"I'll show you how real this is," he whispers, face so close to mine I feel his minty breath.

I let him, waiting for that damn kiss. He backs off suddenly, of about an inch.

"If you allow me," he adds safely.

I let out a dissatisfied grumble about how fucking perfect he is and crash my lips against his. Soon, I'm laid down on the bed and he's climbing over me. Our tongues fight for dominance and he wins. I sigh into the kiss. Eventually, he breaks it off, leaving me breathless. He straightens himself on his knees and tugs at his shirt. Once it's off, he gazes down at me dubiously.

"We're about to do this, yeah?" I barely hear as my eyes run down broad shoulders, strong arms and toned abdomen.

"Fuck, yeah," I mutter before thinking.

Vince pulls harshly at the jersey I'm wearing. "Couldn't wait to get that off you," he says. "Mine's all yours. Use it from now on," he orders bossily.

I laugh as he kisses and suck down my neck.

"It's gonna be a long night," I say, whimpering as he touches me more and more.

And it is indeed. I spend the night and the next day there. Vince asks a player to help out Parker for me and he gladly agrees. We spend hours and hours tangled in his bed, on his couch, in his shower, on his kitchen counter. On Monday, the world tries to force us back to reality but we refuse. I show up, late to my math class, in Vince's Jersey, hickeys all over my skin, mind all fuzzy and smelling like sex. Vince isn't much different, only he wears a gray sleeveless top to show off the scratches I left on his back, as well as the hickeys on his neck and chest. We both stink the same. It's gross in retrospective but we felt fucking good about it then. Maybe it's infatuation.

"I hope you're aware I don't like this," Parker growls at Vince at lunch.

Vince, despite his usual, cockiness, is very open and honest about it.

"Park, my guy, I'm like really really in love with your sister if you haven't noticed..."

"Yeah, okay, I get that but you've got to stop—"

"...and I suspect it might be reciprocated," Vince says proudly and winks at me. I giggle.

"Not in front of my fucking burger! This is too far you lovesick morons!" He throws fries at us, genuinely distraught.

Vince and I burst out laughing. "Parker, I really don't understand how you like those burgers," I say, laughing throughout the sentence.

"Yeah, man, they're grosser than we are," Vince adds.

"Shoo!" Parker tells his, pushing away our food trays until they bump into us.

Vince and I look at each other, coming to a silent agreement to leave. We take our strawberry milks and walk away. I shoot Parker a glorious middle finger and he throws yet another fry. A teacher who happened to be walking by immediately starts lecturing him. Deserved. We walk in the corridors and pass by Aaron who's sitting on the ground, wasted and lonely. He has tried to apologize to me, saying he didn't mean anything and that he knows I deserve respect. Vince threatened to break his face, his dick and both his legs. In that order. That kept him off.

Vince and I end up on the field. The temperature has been growing warming, especially with the hot sun and the cloudless sky. We decide to sit under the bleachers for the thrill of it. It's not as fun as it looks, it turns out.

My phone buzzes in my pocket.

Neil : How's the honeymoon?
Hazel : awful
Hazel : Vince snores
Neil : If you hit him with a baseball bat while he's asleep, he'll stop snoring forever.
Neil : I promise.
Hazel : yeah right
Hazel : and he'll stop living too
Neil : Collateral damages.
Neil : Worth it.

I roll my eyes.

Hazel : but I love him
Hazel : like really love him
Neil : Oh, that I know too well.
Neil : I'm so glad you're happy.
Neil : All the best, Haz. Truly.
Hazel : you too! <3
Neil : <3

Vince glaces at me, questions in his eyes. He's very jealous by nature but he has been working on it. He doesn't ask me who I text and call anymore, only force me to tell him with insistent eyes.

"It's Neil," I tell him and he stiffens even more.

"Relax. We're just friends, I told you."

"You weren't 'just friends' before," he grumbles, drinking some strawberry milk.

I laugh, shaking my head.

"What? He's that funny?" Vince asks snarkily.

I meet his jealous eyes. "No, you are. You're so big and confident, yet so cute and insecure."

He sniffs. "That didn't sound like compliments," he comments, salty.

"Good, they weren't," I joke and he glares at me, offended.

I crack into a fond smile and bring my thumb to wipe the milk at the corner of his lips. I lick it off, humming.

"I suppose you're a gentle giant of some sort—" My eyes travel over the field as I speak.

Vince pretty much jumps onto me like a big lapdog, kissing all over my face. I giggle, ticklish.

"What's this for?" I manage to say.

"It's because... you make my whole world spin."

I laugh, blissful. "You make my whole world spin too," I tell him honestly.


Done :)

Do comment your thoughts and if you have any. Votes are appreciated!

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