Mr. Blue

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Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel Cinematic Universe or anything else you may recognize

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Chapter 10- Mr. Blue

"So who called the military?" Tony asked.

"I don't know," Bruce said.

"It has to be Samson," Natasha said.

"Yeah. He is the only one who could have done that." Clint said.

"Stanley obviously wasn't going to do it." Steve said.

"Yes. It was Samson." Professor Hulk said.

"Jealous much?" Scott asked him.

"No. Concerned much." Professor Hulk corrected him.

At Betty's house, Ross and the soldiers investigated the place but finding nothing, came out. Ross told Samson he had done the right thing and that Betty was in incredible danger as long as she was with Bruce. Samson retorted that the only people from whom she was in danger were Ross and his soldiers because Hulk had protected her and they had almost killed her. Ross gave him his word that Betty's safety was his biggest priority.

"Your word means jackshit to everyone in this room, bub." Logan snarled.

"It doesn't mean much to Samson either." Benjamin said.

Samson told him that he was a shrink so he knew when someone was lying and said she would help him if she could. Ross said coldly that then she would be aiding a fugitive. As he walked off, Samson said, "I used to wonder why she never talked about you. Now I know!" Ross wondered how Betty met guys like Bruce and Samson as he walked into his vehicle.

"Respect." Sam said to Samson with a smirk.

"Yeah. He is great." Rhodes said too.

"I can see why Betty liked him." Bruce said.

"She can see which person is good and which person is not." Professor Hulk said.

Hulk carried Betty to a nearby forest as it rained overhead. He gently put her in a cave. She woke up and screamed for a second on seeing his face. He backed off and hit his head on the cave.

"Ouch!" Tony said.

"That doesn't look fun." Peter said.

"Because it's not fun." Aunt May told him.

As Betty realized who was standing in front of her, lightning cracked in the sky and Hulk snarled angrily, thinking of it as a threat. He turned around and threw a rock before roaring at the sky as Betty watched.

"Looks like you're afraid of my brother." Loki said to Banner.

"Not all thunderstorms are caused by me." Thor shrugged.

"I'm guessing this is why Hulk loves to fight you." Bruce said.

"Yeah. I believe that too." Professor Hulk said.

"Eh! I can beat you pretty easily these days." Odinson said.

"Yeah, you can." Professor Hulk agreed.

"Didn't Hulk beat the hell out of you, Reindeer Games?" Tony asked him.

"You really think my brother is anywhere close to me in power?" Thor asked incredulously.

"As much as I hate to say it, my brother speaks the truth." Loki said.

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