Break II

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Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel Cinematic Universe or anything else you may recognize

Thank you to everyone who has favorited, followed, or reviewed this fic so far.

As I have mentioned in my other fics, since school will be starting on August 15th, updates might get delayed. Which is why I will stop putting the chapter date in all chapters.

Chapter 17- Break II

Everyone sat in the dining hall again as food was brought for them by the workers. This time they again noticed some new individuals sitting around the table. A tall blonde woman, a shorter dark-haired woman with some Chinese features on her face, a dark-skinned man, and a medium-sized dark-haired woman in a black leather jacket.

Of course, the tall blonde woman was recognized by Natasha and Clint.

"Bobbi?" Clint asked as she turned to them while sipping her soup.

"Clint." She greeted him before turning to Natasha, "Nat."

"So you're an Avenger now?" Natasha asked and she nodded.

"How do you know each other?" Steve asked out of curiosity.

"She was a SHIELD Agent and our partner at times." Clint said.

"Honor to meet you, Captain America." Bobbi said and he nodded.

"They call her the Mockingbird." Natasha said.

"Really?" Tony said in amusement, "You mock people or something?"

"Very funny." Bobbi said sarcastically as she finished her soup.

"You're Luke Cage!" Peter said excitedly as he recognized the dark-skinned man and the woman next to him, "And you're Jessica Jones!"

"Pleased to meet a fan." Luke shrugged.

"You were right Peter. Little you is excitable." Jessica said to Benjamin.

"I know." Benjamin said.

"You're no less annoying either." She told him.

"Well, I'm on the young side." He joked as they all laughed.

"We met your sister." Pepper told Jessica.

"Yes, Trish." Jessica said before turning to Stark with a glare, ""Trish Screaming?""

Tony gulped as Pepper chuckled and everyone looked at him in confusion.

"What is she talking about, man?" Sam asked.

"I have an idea but I won't tell you." Tony said.

"So he made her scream or something?" Thor asked.

"I think you should stop talking." Odinson and Loki said to him at the same time.

"Wow, we agree on something." Loki smirked.

"I know right!" Odinson laughed as Thor shook his head.

"So what's the story?" Steve asked.

"I don't want to tell." Tony said as Jessica gave him a mock glare.

"I think I have heard it somewhere but I can't remember." Aunt May said with a smirk.

"Tony was once asked in an interview if he would ever visit "Trish Talk."" Pepper started.

"And what did he say?" Bruce asked with a smile.

"He said if he ever visited it, it would change its name to "Trish Screaming."" Pepper finished and in a second, there was laughter all around the table.

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