Truth revealed

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Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel Cinematic Universe or anything else you may recognize

Thank you to everyone who has favorited, followed or reviewed this fic so far. This is the last chapter for this week.

Chapter 34- Truth revealed

"Making my way towards the underwhelming reveal." Tony joked.

Tony was driving in his car, looking at the file. That was when he noticed AIM's name on it and shook his head in anger.

"AIM better watch out." Bruce said.

"The only thing more dangerous than a cheerful Stark is an angry Stark." Thor said seriously.

In Pakistan, Rhodes broke down a door as the people working raised their hands in fear. His phone suddenly rang and he picked up.

Everyone chuckled at the funny scene.

"I know. It's some funny timing." Rhodes said.

Tony asked from the other end if he ever had a chick straddling him and she had suddenly turned yellow. Tony then confirmed it was him and Rhodes laughed as Tony reminded how Rhodes had come looking for him last time he had gone missing and Rhodes joked he was making friends in Pakistan.

"So you make friends by pointing guns at them? What a nice way to start friendship." Peter joked and everyone laughed.

Tony asked Rhodes if his rebrand was AIM and Rhodes confirmed it was. Tony said he was going to find a heavy-duty comm sat and needed Rhodes' login. Rhodes said it was "WarMachine68." Tony asked the password and Rhodes said he needed to change it every time Tony hacked in. Tony said this wasn't the 80's and no one said "hack" anymore.

"You just did." Sam said and everyone chuckled.

"Bunch of smartasses." Tony quipped.

Rhodes finally said his login was "WARMACHINEROX" with an "X", all caps.

Everyone laughed as Rhodes shook his head.

"And people say Stark has an ego." Natasha quipped as Rhodes looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Nothing wrong with trying to increase your self-esteem." Jessica said, "Especially if you're taking it the 'rock' way instead of the 'cray cray' way."

"Why did you bring that up?" Trish asked, embarrassed as everyone laughed at remembering the 'cray cray' song.

"Hey hey, I want your cray cray", Luke started as everyone laughed and Trish smacked his arm.

The men chuckled and Rhodes whirled his turret on them and they stopped as Tony chuckled too and so did Rhodes. Tony said it was much better than Iron Patriot and turned the car the other way.

Everyone chuckled again at the "WARMACHINEROX" thing.

A beauty pageant was going on where the winner was asked what she wanted for Christmas. Outside, Tony walked around before eventually sneaking into a broadcasting van as an elderly man raised a scoreboard at the pageant, with a perfect 10 on it.

"So he is also a pageant judge." Clint said as everyone saw the man again.

"Must be very rich with all the jobs he has." Hope said.

"Barber. Driver. Judge. You name it. He has done it." Logan said.

Tony set up the van but the connection was slow. That moment, a cameraman entered the van and was about to tell Tony to go out but gasped in joy on seeing it was Tony Stark. He cut the call with his mom and walking inside, said how he was Tony's biggest fan and knew he was alive.

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