Escape from Azkaban

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There I was rotting and chained down in Azkaban. But there was a chance for me to escape, I had heard rumors that Neville had smuggled in a wand to Azkaban.

Neville was In Azkaban for selling wizard weed to quidditch players to afford a new cane (kinda harsh.)
So all I had to do was get the wand from him.

Today is the day I'm getting the wand. I walked up to Neville in the suspicious corner that nobody goes to, and said, "hey, I want you to fight me."

He agreed but little did he know I was a master at dodging. He went in for a blow and then i dogged it and his momentum through him on the ground. He was not dead just unconscious. (I'm not THAT harsh)

So I search him and found the wand, "YES!"I exclamaed, but now what do I do, I had to come up with a idea quickly or someone will notice.

I had an idea Malfoy was in Azkaban too and he was also in a wheelchair, rumor has it his chair can fly but he is to scared to try it.

But even in my 70s I'm still as brave/dumber than ever so I exclaimed,

"Accio wheelchair!"
And sure enough the wheelchair went flying out from under him then he fell to the ground and broke his back then died.
But the wheelchair was now hurtling towards me so I jumped up and it went right under me and I fell right on it and said the words
"cutie patootie on my booty, fly!"
And I was flying, but a group of Dementors was right behind me so I famously yelled
"expecto patronum!!"

And that pretty much stopped them in their tracks. But I did noticed one problem, I didn't know how to stop it and I was approaching Hogwarts wich was now a nursing home at a rapid pace.

I had come up with and idea I would see if I could see who was running the place. If I knew who was running it I would have my plan from there.

So I had swung by the window and sure enough, I had seen who was running it. It was...

Harry potter and the prisoner of the nursing homeWhere stories live. Discover now