The fall of Hogwarts

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As I looked through the window I was shocked with who I saw. It was VOLDEMORT.

I couldn't believe my eyes but I had to come up with a plan. Than I had an idea, So I flew through the window and tackled Voldi who was conveniently sitting right by the window. Than I started to choke him out as the wheelchair tripped bellatrix.

Than bellatrix fell right on her face and obviously went through the floor and into the suspicious box where no one can hear you scream. And then I grabbed my wand and shoved it down his throat forgetting how a wand works.

Conveniently voldi had the elder wand, so I took that and said.
"accio wheelchair!"

And the wheelchair came flying towards me and than I sat and it flew itself through Hogwarts/nursing home. As I zoomed through the hallways I had flashbacks to when I played quidditch.

But I wasn't paying attention and hit Dudley where he flew through the air and hit the wall so hard he exploited to a gushy blooded mess.

"WHYYYYY!!!" Genny exclaimed.

But I didn't have time to mourn the place was run by death eaters, so I have one option... ARSON...

Harry potter and the prisoner of the nursing homeWhere stories live. Discover now