Look after nick day

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Tw:gets heated

Charlie's pov:

I wake up nick still laying on my chest fast asleep.I smile then I remember last night and it starts to fade

I stroke his hair softly he opens his eyes "morning love how are you feeling?"i ask "still a bit sore"he whispers "ok we'll today your just gonna rest"i say "ok"he says and closes his eyes again "do you wanna have a bath today?"i ask "that sounds nice"he says "ok"i say and kiss his head.I slip out of bed."I'm just gonna fill up the tub"i say "mhm"he mumbles I smile to myself and then walk into the bathroom we're lucky they had a bath tub

I start to full up the tub and check that the waters ok.and put some bubbles in it.I walk back into the room to find Nick snoring I giggle and walk over to him.I softly pet his forehead "nick come on wake up I have a bath running for you"i say softly.he opens his eyes "hi"he says "hi"i say back "come on we better get you in the bath"i say

"mhm"he mumbles I pull the blanks off him and pick him up trying not to fall over while carrying him.I lean him against the wall
And check the water again.I look back over to where Nick was laying against the wall he smiles at me.I scoot closer to him "did I ever tell you how much you mean to me"he says I beam at him.and giggle "no seriously what would I do with out you"he says "I don't know probably drown"i laugh "I love you"he says "I love you to"I say we stay like that for some time and then I pull his t-shirt off

The bruises are still there and pretty bad "aw my poor baby"I say jokingly nick smiles at me and then I take the rest of his clothes off and help him into the bathtub.I'm about to start washing his hair when someone knocks on the door."I'll be back in a sec don't drown"i say "I'll try"he says I walk out of the bathroom closing the door behind me.I open the front door, it's Emily "hey"she says "hey"I say back "how's nick?"she asks "he's fine he's just taking a bath"i say "oh ok well I just came here to give you something to put on his cuts and some for his bruises"she says and passes me some creams."thanks"i say "oh and here are some more plaster if you need them"she says and passes me a box of plasters "thanks again"i say "no problem"she says "well I guess I'll get going then"she says "ok bye"I say "bye"she says

I shut the door and place all of the things she gave me on the bed.I walk back into the bathroom nick is close to falling asleep.I bend down next to the tub "hey baby you need to stay awake"i say and place a hand on his cheek "baby?"he repeats smiling "oh uh sorry it just slipped out"I stutter very flustered "char it's fine I like it"he says and smiles at me "your a dork"i tease I grab the shampoo and pour it in nicks hair and start to scrub.

Time skip still Charlie's pov:

I carefully rub the cream on his bruises he whimpers "sorry"I say."I-it's fine"he struggles to say, i swallow the lump in my throat and continue.he grunts in pain a few times "all done"i say and pulls my hands away he rests his head on the pillow "you ok?"i ask"I'm fine"he says "are you sure?"i ask "yeah it just I feel like i ruined the trip"he says and sighs "no you didn't it was David"i say and frown "no I shouldn't have let him get to my head"he says "it's not your fault"i say

"I feel like shit"he says "you shouldn't have to"i say "well I do"he says "well how can I make you feel better?"i ask "I don't know kiss my boo-boos better"he jokes "that can be arranged"i say and smirk at him "your joking right-"i start to kiss his neck and he leans his head back to make it enough easier.I start to suck on his neck.he lets out a small moan as I hit his soft spot.I start to slowly move down to his stomach I kiss each bruise on his body wishing I could take the pain away.

Nicks pov:

Charlie kisses every bruise on my body it felt weird the mixer of pain and pleasure it made me confused but I didn't want him to stop.he continues to kiss me and then he starts to move back up to my neck.he makes it back to my face and kisses my cheek and forehead "feel better?"he asks smirking at me "much"i replied he gets off of me and grabs some plasters and a different cream "we're are you getting all this stuff from?"i ask "Emily dropped them off"he say and opens the tube.he carefully puts it on the cuts on my face and then puts plasters on them "what's the time?"i ask "late"he says as he places the last plaster on he kisses me on the lips and then my forehead

"past your bed time"he says I chuckle he puts a t-shirt on me and pulls the blanket up.he gets off the bed and grabs his pyjamas he pulls his t-shirt off and puts his pyjamas t-shirt on.I quickly realise that I'm staring and snap my head away.I hear Charlie chuckle lightly.I start to blush but then I feel a hand around cheek and then he pulls my face towards him he looks at me smiling "I don't care if you look at me"he says I turn a deep shade of red.he giggles an adorable Charlie giggle only making me blush more "nick! your as red as a tomato"he says and comes a little closer "i-i s-sorry you just-uh-made-made me kinda nervous"i stutter and rub the back of my head "i-i sorry this is kinda-"I'm cut off by Charlie connecting out lips the kiss catches fire

Charlie crawls on top of me but being careful not to hurt me he holds my face.our tongues start to explore each others mouths he accidentally presses himself to hard on me brushing against one of my bruises.I let out a groan of pain out but also a mix of pleasure that same feeling that I had before.it felt good but also hurt at the same time he pulls away but I didn't want him to stop.I pull him back in kissing him and pulling him closer pressing him against me.his hold body weight pressed against my bruises that same feeling got stronger.but I wanted more Charlie made a surprised noise I let out a slight moan and whimper.Charlie pulls away

"nick! I'm hurting you"he says "no,no your not hurting me I-it feels really good for some reason"i blurt out "what really?"he asks a confused look on his face "ya-ya I don't know why it-it just feels really really good like the mixer of pain a-and other stuff it just makes it feel so good"i say I feel comfortable enough to tell him "oh ok if-if that's what you want"he says and smiles at me and kisses me he presses his body against mine grinding slightly.the feeling comes back immediately it made me go crazy

a few moans slip out I can't help it "wow you-you really like this"Charlie says I try to speak but I can't he takes his thumb and puts it under my shirt and rubs one of my bruises and sticks his tongue down my throat i uncontrollably moan into his mouth 

Is this a kink?I think to myself, dose Charlie think I'm weird for it? he runs his hand up my side, fuck how was he so good at this? he pulls his mouth away from mine moving to my neck sucking and licking still pressing on my bruises "oh~fuck char why-why how are you so good at this~"I moan out he laughs against my neck.he lifts my top up and moves down and starts to suck on one of my bruises and that made me go crazy everything turns into a Hayes of pleasure and pain

I hold onto his hair and before I know it I cummed Charlie lifts his head "wow"he says "hmhm"i hum "well I guess we gotta get some clean pants on you"he says and gets out of bed "ya"i chuckle he grabs some clean pants for me and throws them at me "thanks"i say and laugh."I'm just gonna go to the loo"he says."ok have fun"i joke he walks into the bathroom and i Change into some new pants and wait for Charlie to come Back out.I grab my phone to check the time 18:45 at night jesus i say to myself.Charlie walks back out and he looks perfect then ever "hey"he says "hey"I say back i pat the spot next to me and he comes and sits next to me cuddling close we slip under the blankets.and something's definitely wrong "was-was that weird what happened before?"i ask nervously"i mean no not really I-I guess I just never really new you were into that stuff"he says "yeah me neither"i say "we don't have to talk about it"he says "I mean yeah there's not really anything to say I guess"I say "yeah ok"he says there a moment of silence "I love you,you know that right?"he says "yeah I love you too char"i say and kiss his head "ok well good night"he says "goodnight my love"I say.

To be continued


What do you guys think about this chapter and this kinda kink nick has discovered?


Word count:1661

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