[006] the truth is revealed.

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the truth is revealed.

UNDER THE SLAB OF CONCRETE WHERE THE GLADERS HID WAS OIZYS LYING BESIDE A SLEEPING MINHO. Despite the horrifying noises echoing throughout the debris, the Gladers had managed to fall asleep, all beside Oizys. The girl lied on her side, her mind preoccupied with the endless amount of thoughts in her head competing to be in the front of her mind. She couldn't help but question what Janson had said to her before they escape. 'Better use'? After finding out Thomas and Teresa had once worked for WICKED, she couldn't help but consider the possibility that she once had too. 

Soon enough, the girl had managed to fall asleep, though she knew that morning would soon arrive, the few hours of sleep was better than nothing. The Gladers were awoken by Thomas yelling at a bird which had trying to get into their bags. The monsters that had been searching for them the night before were no longer heard around them, the sunlight now allowing them to see where they were and what was around. "Okay, we should get moving." Thomas said as he began to pick up his bag, ordering the group to stand up and start moving. Winston groaned in pain as he tried to stand up, Frypan being closest to him helping him to get up and on his feet.

The group climbed over the chunks of concrete piled up, managing to get out of the building to find the destroyed city  in front of them. Building towered over them, majority of them being partially destroyed and run down, thrown aside after the world went to shit. The Gladers walked through the clearing in-between the building as they looked around in awe as well as confusion. "What the hell happened to this place?" Frypan said. 

"I don't know." Newt spoke. "It doesn't look like anyone's been here in a long time." As they continued to walk, Thomas suddenly began to fall behind, blocking out the sound of his friends voices ahead of him.

"Whoa, whoa, hang on stop." He said quickly. "Do you hear that?" He questioned. The Gladers stood around quietly, trying to hear whatever it was Thomas was hearing. Whirring could be heard in the distance when Thomas called out. "Get down! Everybody, hide! Hide! Hide!" He rushed the group as they tried to find somewhere to take cover. They rushed under a pile of debris, taking cover from whatever was just outside. Above them, they suddenly heard the whirring of aircrafts, WICKED desperately searching for the group. They were silent for a few moments despite the aircrafts going off into the distance, taking in the severity of the situation.

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