Chapter Two

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I wake up by the sound of a lock unlocking. I then see a man with short white hair. "Good morning. Brush your hair." he says, and then stands outside the door, waiting for me to brush my hair.

I pick up the hairbrush, and brush through it twice. He then grabs the hairbrush out of my hand, and puts it in his pocket. Then the man takes me to this place that has scissors and a razor. He pushes me into a chair. "My name is Dr Brenner. Call me Papa." he says.

"And your new name, is Eleven." What? First of all, why is a number my name? Second, why is he changing my name? Third, where the hell am I? I think he saw my confusion, cos THEN he was like,

"I'm going to cut that hair of yours off." he says. "WHAT?! WHY??" I exclaim. "All part of the fun." he says. Now I'm really confused. Fun? This crazy guy calls this place FUN? Dang, what has the world come to?? Anyways, he then picks up the razor, and holds it above my head.

Then he began to shave my beautiful hair off. Dude, I just told you NOT TO. So now my hair is in a literal buzz cut, he took me to another white room. In the room, there lay a red and white hat that seemed to be connected to some sort of wires, and a can of coca cola, most likely empty. That's sad, I could have drunk that.

He then made me sit in the chair, and put the ridiculous hat on. I could see that the hat looked like one of those hats that people use to experiment on people, which worries me quite a lot. Are they gonna EXPERIMENT on me? Dear God, I hope not.

"Make the air leave the can with your mind." he said, and I nodded. I looked at the can and tried as hard as I could to destroy it, and it was pretty easy. I just had to imagine it happen in my mind, and because of my powers, it would get destroyed.

Almost 2 seconds later the can was completely airless. I felt a stream of blood come down from my nose. I looked at Papa, and he smiled. BRO WHY YOU SMILING?! "Good. Try this." Brenner said, and then put a pot of fresh flowers in front of me. I then imagine a wave of darkness washing over them, and when it disappears, the flowers are dead. When I open my eyes, he looks really shocked.

I guess that a wave of darkness DID appear, and killed those flowers. Meh, they were pretty ugly anyways. Again he looks shocked. What, can't he take my powers, I thought he worked here, not stood here and gape at me like a git.

Then he grabbed the thickest book like, in the world from a bookshelf, and threw it on the table. I guess I have to do something with a book, but I'm not reading it. How am I supposed to make the book like break??

I stared at it for like a minute straight, and then he grabbed the book, and he had a smirk on his face. "I guess we will have to keep you here longer, as you can't do this, Eleven." OK NOW IM ANGRY.

I stare at him with a fierce look in my eyes, and then, the thing that he thought would happen least, happened. All the pages in the book ripped out, along with the cover, and all the pieces began to levitate around the room.

I looked around the page filled room in shock. I then tilt my head to the side a bit and they all fall back into the book. I don't know what that was, but I'm sure its not my powers, because they have never acted like that before.

I think this Brenner guy is dumbstruck, and he snaps his fingers, making two guards or whatever come in and pull me to yet another room. In the room, uh well it looks pretty odd, like a tattoo place. Hold up.

NO. They are NOT making me get a TATTOO. I'm only TEN for goodness sake. The Brenner guy comes in again and this time holds up one of those tattoo pens. He then puts it on the colour black and begins to write on my forearm.

I nearly scream with pain, but manage to keep calm, but panicking on the inside. Once that round of pain was over, I took a glance at my arm, and gasped. It had the number 011 on it. So what am I now, a literal number?

Then a deafening bell rang throughout the place. "Break, follow me." Dr Brenner said, and I followed him to a white and rainbow room. God, what is it with this place and its people's obsession with the odd colour combinations? Nevertheless, I go with him.

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