2 Can I come over?

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Lily POV

After a long day I lay in bed freshly showered and watched TV. I was about to fall asleep when my phone started ringing. I groaned and turned around to pick it up from the nightstand. I answered the call without even checking who it was. Already mad at whoever called and kept me from sleeping. I've had a headache all day, therefore I wasn't in the mood for a little chitchat.

"What?" I asked, not even trying to sound friendly.

"Hey Lily, where are you?" the voice at the other end asked and I sighed.

"Hey, Roman, where do you think I am? I'm in my hotel room. I was about to fall asleep." i replied.

I could not suppress the slight aggression in my voice. When I was tired or hungry, I was essentially a different person. That was always the case and will probably never change. And the throbbing in my head certainly didn't help either.

"Oh, so you're in bed already? Can I come over?" he asked without responding to my tone. I could hear the smirk in his voice and it made me even more pissed off.

"No, you can't! I've told you several times now that it can't go on like this. This can't happen any more. It's wrong and it should never have happened." I said upset.

I was very worked up, so I took a deep breath before my blood started to boil. It was much easier to resist him on the phone than in person. One look into his big brown puppy eyes and I melted away. And unfortunately he knew this very well and shamelessly took advantage of it.

On the other end of the line I could hear Roman himself taking a deep breath. It took a while before he said anything. I was about to hang up when he finally answered.

"Listen, Lily.... I feel bad enough without you constantly reminding me. I-I just need to see you, just five minutes, please? We need to talk and I'd rather not do it on the phone," he finally said.

I sighed deeply and thought about it for a moment. Everything inside me just screamed to say no and hang up. To just ignore him from now on. But the little voice in my head kept wondering, what if... I must have hesitated for a long time, because suddenly I heard Roman ask.

"Lily... are you still there? Can I come over? Please?"

Who would win head or heart? What was the right decision? Then I made a decision I knew I was gonna regret. But I just couldn't fight it. The urge to see him was too strong.

"I'll get dressed and then come to you. Please send me your room number. I'II be there in 10 minutes." I finally said, knowing full well that it was a mistake.

About 10 minutes later, I was standing at Roman's door. Still hesitant whether I should really do this. I could just turn around and go back to my room, but there was again the question in my head, what if... So I raised my hand and knocked on the door. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. This way I tried to gain the strength I would need now. But I knew that it would only take one of his gazes to turn all my strength into weakness.

 The sound of the knocking hadn't even faded away when he opened the door.

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