9 Daughter

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Roman POV

After a few days spent with Maya and Lily, it was time for me to fly home. But I was more than hesitant to do so. Because I knew that I would miss them both. But unfortunately there was no other way. I had obligations to fulfill and before everything it was time to tell my family about Maya. But I had no idea how to do that.

Every time I thought about it, a lump formed in my throat. It was definitely one of the hardest things I ever had to do. But I would do it. Maya was my daughter and she was going to meet her siblings and her grandparents and aunts and uncles. I will have to live with the blame.

Besides, I had no doubt that once the dust settled and they got to know Maya and, of course, Lily, that they wouldn't be able to help but take them both to their hearts.

"Daddy will see you real soon, angel. I love you. Take good care of you and Mommy, okay?" I said to Maya as I rocked her up and down in my arms and gave her a lingering kiss on the forehead.

My little girl clung tightly to me. It broke my heart. She already meant the world to me, just like Jojo and the boys. To me, there was no difference.

Lily was standing next to us, but didn't say a word. I tried to talk to her about us during the last days, but I quickly felt that she was not ready yet. Her guilt was weighing heavily on her. No matter how many times I assured her that everything was fine and that I didn't hold it against her. She was still waiting for the grand finale.

"Dada... no go." My little one whispered against my neck.

"Don't be sad, baby... We'll visit Daddy real soon." said Lily softly as she stroked Maya's back comfortingly.

"Mommy's right. Very, very soon." I added.

Maya gave me another big hug with her short arms before looking up at me. She sniffled a little and then let Lily take her out of my arms without protest.

I sighed and rubbed my face. I didn't want to leave. It would be so much easier if they lived at least close by, like my other children. Not almost a thousand miles away.

"Take care of yourself Roman. Call us when you have time, okay?" said Lily softly.

I saw that she was also struggling. This whole situation was not easy for anyone. I hugged the girls tightly, not wanting to let go. But there was no way around it.


Many hours later I was standing in front of my mother's house. I wanted to tell her first. I didn't know why exactly. Probably because I wanted to postpone explaining it to Galina and the children. That would certainly not go off without drama.

I rang the bell and waited for the door to open.

"Hello, my boy! How are you?" mom greeted me as she pulled me tightly into her arms.

"Well... I've been better. There's something I need to tell you. Maybe it's better if you sit down," I said.

Mom looked at me suspiciously, but then went into the living room and sat down. As I sat down next to her, I sorted through my thoughts for a moment.

"Go ahead... What's on your mind, son?" she gently encouraged me.

"So here's the thing... I have a daughter." I said.

"Sweetheart I'm aware of that. Her name is Joelle and she's almost 12 years old." She laughed before I could continue.

"Maybe I should have said.... I have another daughter. Her name is Maya and she's almost 2 1/2 years old." I replied.

"What, but... Oh my God! You didn't!" she gasped, jumping to her feet.

"Mom, listen-" I began.

"Oh no, young man! How could you? Is that the reason? For the divorce I mean? You had an affair? And a baby? And you're just telling me now?" she scolded.

"It just happened... And Galina and I had problems, you know that. If everything had been fine... then I never would have.... I mean, no one can intrude on a healthy relationship. It's just that... I fell in love. I didn't... we didn't plan it. It just.... happened.

And I didn't want her to end it. I was determined to break up with Galina. Like I did in the end. But it was too late. Lily had already quit and moved. Before she knew she was pregnant. She didn't tell me because she didn't want to cause me suffering.

But now that I've met her... there's no going back. She is such a precious little girl. And Lily has done such a good job with her. She showed the little one pictures of me and as soon as Maya saw me in person for the first time she knew I was her dad," I explained as calmly as I could.

I had known before that she would be disappointed. But that was not important. As long as she was willing to be fair to Maya and also to Lily. Everything else would fall into place.

"I can't believe this... And then she didn't even tell you.... Who does that? At least you had the right to know her. No matter how horrible it was what you did." retorted mom.

"Hey! I don't want to hear it, okay? She did what she thought was best for me and my family. That doesn't mean Lily didn't regret it every single day. All I ask is that you give her a chance. She's the mother of one of your grandchildren. And if I can live with that, so can you. Or you just won't get to know Maya." I said in a firm voice.

I saw Mom gulp. She hadn't expected that. But I was serious. I knew it was her old-fashioned, religious beliefs that were clouding her thinking.

It was quiet for a few minutes while Mom thought and I tried to calm down.

"Do you have a picture of her?" she finally wanted to know quietly.

Without saying a word, I pulled out my phone and showed her some of the many pictures I had taken of Maya and also of Lily over the past few days.

"She looks... she looks a lot like Jojo, doesn't she? Only the eyes are different. But she has your smile." she said as she looked closely at all the pictures.

When I looked at her I saw it.... that little smile of love. Even though she tried not to let it show, I knew at that moment that she would love Maya as much as all her other grandchildren.

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