21 Packing

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Roman POV

I stood in the doorway to the kitchen and watched Lily wrap the fragile things in paper or bubble wrap. She hummed softly to herself. Lily sounded so happy that I could not resist. Slowly I stepped behind her to wrap my arms around her. Then I pressed a loving kiss on her hair while she sighed softly and relaxed in my arms.

"Hey, baby girl..." I said softly as I rocked us gently back and forth.

"Hey, my big man. How's it going?" she asked with a smirk in her voice.

"Good. Your books and pictures and stuff are packed up. What do you think about me packing up Maya's stuff with her now?" I wanted to know.

"That would be great. Although I don't think she'll be much of a help to you." Lily giggled.

"It won't be so bad. And when we're done, I'll take my girls out to get something to eat," I replied.

"Sounds good to me. I'm starving." she said as I turned to look at her with her big eyes.

I gave her a kiss before hesitantly letting go of her. I would have much rather kept her in my arms, but we had to finish before the movers would be here tomorrow morning.

It went without saying that I couldn't wait to have Lily and Maya with me. It would take a lot of stress off all of us. And even though I knew it was a big change for everyone involved, I was sure we could handle it all as a family.

"Alright, Miss Maya... Will you help Daddy pack your toys?" I asked my little angel as I began to set up the first boxes.

"Dada, no. No packing." she said, looking at me with trembling lips.

"Come on, baby girl...It'll be fun. You can give me your stuff and Daddy will put it in the box. What do you think?" I replied as I knelt down next to her and wiped a strand of hair from her face.

"Okay..." said Maya, but it was almost like she was rolling her eyes.

But then she went along with it just fine. One by one she handed me the stuffed animals and games and a few of her books. I made sure to put everything in the designated boxes.

The first boxes were quickly full, so I went into the hallway to get a few more boxes so I could continue with her closet. But when I came back to her room 2 minutes later, Maya had already taken most of her things out of the boxes and distributed them. Almost everything was back in its old place. As if we had just started packing. How had she done it so quickly?

"Oh Maya, no...no, no, no." I whined.

That didn't bother my little one at all though. She just grinned at me as she played with Dolly now.

"What, Dada?" she asked innocently.

"Angel we want to pack up, not unpack. Now Daddy has to start all over again." I replied as I rubbed my forehead in a bit of frustration.

"Maya is helping." she said and then started throwing the first few things back into the boxes.

"Hey, how's it going? You guys haven't gotten anything done yet." said Lily as she walked into the nursery and saw that not much had been done.

"Dada slow." giggled Maya.

"I can see that, baby." laughed Lily.

"Oh you little monster." I said playfully and grabbed my daughter and tickled her.

Her laughter and squeals filled the room as she wriggled in my arms like crazy. It was music to my ears.

"The young lady thought it was funny to unpack everything we had packed when I wasn't in the room for two minutes," I explained to her mother."

"I told you she wouldn't be any help, Ro." said Lily, grinning at us as I held Maya above my head and kissed her little hands.

"That's right.... you did." I nodded in agreement.

"Well... let's do it together then. It'll give Maya less chance to be sassy." she then said.

She was probably right. And it was really crucial that we get this done today. Fortunately, we didn't have that much work ahead of us.

But what was most important for me was to finally be able to call my home our home. And to be able to see Lily and Maya all the time just like Joelle, Kingsley and Waylon. Because one thing was always the most precious thing in my life and that was my family.

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