25 Just about us

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Lily POV

I took a deep breath as my eyes wandered over the waves breaking on the beach. It was so peaceful and yet something was missing. Once again I could see Roman's face clearly in front of me. It caused me nothing but pain. And for this pain I could blame no one but myself.

Too terrible was the knowledge that I had let my fear and worries get the better of me. I wanted to say yes. I wanted so badly to say yes, but I just couldn't. It had not been a lie. Now I just wish he would have let me explain. Not that it would have made things any better. But maybe Roman would have understood.

As I sat there in the sand holding Maya, I couldn't help but think how badly I had screwed up again. And I didn't have the slightest idea how this was ever going to be fixed. 

"What ya doin', Mommy?" asked Maya suddenly as she turned to look at me with her big, familiar eyes.

I had failed her, too.

"Mommy's just thinking. Mommy's thinking about how much she misses Daddy." I said to her as I played with a strand of her hair.

"I miss Daddy too." she replied sadly.

"I know, baby. I know how much you miss your daddy." I whispered as I once again felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"Wanna see daddy?" she wanted to know.

"Maybe in a few days. If Daddy calls by then," I said.

"I love my daddy. Like you do." Maya then said.

"That's true... I love your daddy... And I'm sorry I messed up, my little darling. Mommy will try anything to make it up to you." I replied.

"Really anything? Then maybe you should marry me after all." we suddenly heard a deep voice say behind us.

"Daddy!" shrieked Maya, breaking away from me and running into his arms.

"Hello my angel! I missed you so much!" said Roman as he wrapped his daughter in his arms and hugged her tightly.

Maya giggled happily as she wrapped her little arms around his neck so she could hold him close.

"Roman.... hi.... how did you know where we were?" I asked as I stood up, nervously playing with my fingers.

"Well, I figured the only place that made sense as your sanctuary was your parents' house. I'm sorry I didn't call. I needed some time." he replied.

"Ro, no. You have nothing to apologize for. If anyone needs to apologize, it's me. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I love you. And I would love to marry you, but I'm so afraid we might make a mistake. I don't want to lose you. And I..." I began until I burst into tears.

He immediately took me in his arms and pressed a kiss on my forehead. Maya gently stroked my cheek as she looked at me worriedly.

"I know what Jojo said to you, Lily. And she didn't have the right. This is just between you and me. I wish I had let you explain. Then I would have had a chance to convince you that it's not a bad idea." he replied in a firm voice.

"I know, but the problem is... It's not just what Jojo said. I've had those thoughts myself. There are so many what if's.... I mean... how do we know we won't end up in the same situation? Who's to say that one of us won't meet someone and... you know. Why should it be different this time?" I babbled.

"Because we know exactly how it feels, baby girl.... We know the pain. And I firmly believe that we have learned from it. I realize I'm not psychic... I can't predict the future, but I want us to have a chance at the whole package. I love you and I want you forever. Don't be scared. I am by your side. Together we will be able to talk about everything. We are stronger than our history. This is just about us." he replied.

For a while I looked at Roman and Maya. I saw only them. And somehow his words managed to take away my fears. Slowly the doubts that haunted me dissolved.

"I messed up, Ro... And I'm so sorry. I can understand if you... well, if you changed your mind," I sniffled.

"You obviously didn't listen to me earlier.... Maya Angel... Do you want to give something to your mommy?" he replied.

"Yes!" she said enthusiastically.

Roman reached in his pocket and gave Maya a small box.

"Open it and show it to Mommy please." he continued.

Maya did as he said. Carefully she opened the box and showed me what was inside. It was the most beautiful and at the same time the biggest diamond ring I had ever seen.

"Oh my god..." I gasped.

"Lily, will you and Maya do me the honor and marry me?" he asked.

"Yes, yes!" squealed Maya before I had a chance to say anything back.

"See Lily... That's how it works." chuckled Roman.

"Yes, Roman. Yes, I want to marry you." I finally whispered and then gently took his face in my hands.

I looked into his eyes for a moment before kissing him. Roman put his free hand on my hip and pulled me as tight as he could. Maya clapped her hands happily before snuggling up to us.

I didn't expect today to end like this, but I've never been happier to be proven wrong.

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