17 Trying

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Lily POV

"Okay, my little darling. Here's your snack. Can you tell me what this is?" I asked Maya as I placed the plate on the table in front of her.

I tried to distract myself as much as I could because Roman was on his way to pick up his kids. To say I was nervous was a huge understatement.

It was the first time Maya and I had been back. I wanted to wait a while after her ear infection to get back on a plane with her. Fortunately, everything was finally back in order. Even if it had taken a little while. Of course Roman had visited us a few times during those 6 weeks, but we both missed him a lot.

In the two months since he was now a part of our lives I had had a lot to think about. And in the meantime I thought his idea to move in with him was a good one. However, I wanted to wait and see if the kids got along. That was a big factor.

"Booberries and crackers and cheese." replied Maya as she looked closely at her plate.

With her little fingers, she pointed to each item. She looked quite proud.

"Blueberries, baby. Can you count how many there are?" I wanted to know after correcting her.

"1... 2... 3... 4... 5! 5 booberries!" she counted and showed me.

"That's right. Maya has 5 blueberries. Good job!" I praised my daughter.

Maya grinned at me and then popped one berry after another into her mouth.

"Lily, we're here. Where are you?" I heard Roman call from the door.

His timing could not have been better. Maya had just finished eating and we were now in the bathroom to clean her up.

I took the little one by the hand and together we made our way to the living room. The boys were already busy unpacking their toys. Joelle, on the other hand, was standing next to her father. She looked up at me a little skeptically before her eyes wandered to Maya. My daughter already let go of my hand to go to Roman. He took her in his arms and then squatted down with her.

"Jojo, this is Maya and this is her mom Lily." said Roman softly.

"Hiiii!" squealed Maya immediately.

"Hi Maya... Hello Lily. It's... it's nice to meet you." she said politely.

"Hi Joelle, it's nice to see you. How are you?" I asked.

"Good, um... Dad, what are we going to do now?" she replied uncertainly.

"I think the little ones want to play and you can do whatever you want. Do you want to play bowling on the Switch?" he suggested to her.

"Maybe later. You never win anyway. I think I'll go coloring." retorted.

"Maya too!" cheered my little girl, clapping her hands.

She wriggled until Roman put her back on her feet. Then she reached out her hand for her sister. Expectantly, she looked up at Joelle and waited. She smiled. Jojo hesitated for a few seconds before looking at Roman.

Then she took Maya by the hand to go with her to her room. I could hardly believe it.

"Wow..." I whispered as soon as they were out of the room.

"She's really trying. That's my girl." replied Ro as he put his arm around my shoulders before giving me a kiss on my hair.

"Let's keep our fingers crossed that it stays that way." I said softly as I snuggled up to him.

"Daddy come play." one of the twins then said.

"Be right there boys." he replied.

"Love you." he then said to me and gave me a quick kiss.

"Love you too." I replied.

"Go play with your kids, Ro. I can start getting everything ready for dinner. Any wishes?" I wanted to know as I looked up at him.

"No... Right now I'm happy as a clam." he replied and gave me a little kiss on the nose.

I sighed in relief. As I set about getting everything I needed to cook out of the pantry and refrigerator, I silently prayed that it would stay that way.


An hour later, Maya was now playing games on the Switch with Roman and the other kids. Roman lifted the little ones up one by one and helped them to score points.

"Lily... can I ask you something?" I then heard say behind me.

"Of course. What's on your mind?" I asked as I focused all my attention on her.

"Do you love my dad?" she asked bluntly.

"Yes... yes, I do." I replied.

"Okay...can I ask you for one thing?" she then said.

"What do you need?" i wanted to know.

"Well... I know you're dad's girlfriend, but.... well... please don't marry him. I don't want the story to repeat itself." she replied.

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