Amanda and Akko becomes pros

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Sunday 23 September 2018, Glasgow, Scotland

After getting the books, Diana, Amanda and Akko, went back to the Cavendish mansion after a while, where they saw that there was a room with the pile of everyone there, even seeing the excited mothers looking at the documentations related to the times they studied in Luna Nova between 1987 and 1990, giving a feeling of nostalgia for the old photos and everything else, thanks to the magic of the place the books could be restored from that fire, being more a matter of time until the construction would come back to full steam, In this time the trio of the ones that got the book were practicing for their future careers, what also came the call that they were so anxious, both Amanda and Akko had been called for an event in Glasgow, both kind of working sponsored by the same brand and there was the first call to start something, in this case it wouldn't be a championship, but a call to take pictures and make some videos.

They went well into the afternoon, at the call of the company that sponsored them, to the city of Glasgow, where they would go to the George et Marie square, kind of gathering for the event, even going for a ride with Diana driving them to the city, borrowing one of her mother's cars, the trio of girls was spending the whole way singing, having fun for much of the time, until they arrived at the place, where they were already approached by people from the brand.

" Ahhhh they're finally here, go quickly, get dressed with our clothes, we're going to start the shots " said one of the women working with the camera.

Then Akko and Amanda were taken to the van that was parked, where they changed and put on the brand's T"shirts and trousers, as well as the skateboard that was clearly displayed, which Diana even clapped a few times.

" Look how lovely they look, even more so you Akko, love the look " Cavendish said.

" It wasn't so much us who did this look, no, we kind of had to adjust to the way they told us to," Amanda said.

" The beret kind of suits you Amanda " said Atsuko laughing.

" Don't push no " O'Neill said.

" Let's go! Let's go! " Said the photographer.

From there the photographer was pulling the two who went to one of the points of the square, where they were asked to take a photo together, sort of one leaning on the other's back, with arms crossed while the skateboards were sort of lying on the ground in primo position, then they went to another shot.

" Now Amanda will sit on the bench in the square while Akko sends an overcrooked and then jumps over her with an Ollie, can they get that on the first try? " Asks the photographer.

The two sort of shrugged, the salmon haired girl sat down half splayed on the bench in the square, meanwhile the brown haired girl was overcrooked over the edge of that part of the square and on the first attempt she sort of abandoned the trick when she saw her friend was signalling.

" Cut! You have to stand still in the same corner Amanda! " Said the photographer.

" What if she hits me? Nobody said we could take that risk," O'Neill said.

" It's part of photography, you don't need to be afraid, trust your friend " said the photographer.

" Oh sure, if you fall on me I'll break your face Akko " Said the American.

" I won't go if you do everything right " said the Japanese woman.

They went for another shot and this time it came out all right, Amanda tried to keep calm, keeping the same expression and then she got out of there all scared after the shot, going for another one where she was going to do it, this time with Akko doing the bit.

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