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Friday 15 June 2035, Cavendish family mansion, Edinburgh, Scotland

Years have passed since the events of 2018, as they became known by the witches, a lot has changed, Luna Nova was reopened as a witch academy in 2020, having the best teachers of magic, besides receiving a whole renovation around embracing modernity, which was generating the biggest reform in magic, in a future that ended up lighting up year after year in relation of humanity with magic, the world could witness a revolution in the way of using energy, since the witches brought this way and in a certain way they were the ones who started to call attention and started to build their reputation around the place, so much so that as the years went by more schools of witchcraft were being founded so as they taught witches they also started to teach witches, being something much more mixed, more accessible to everyone, with Luna Nova being the example of everything.

In these years children of the new generation were born, keeping the magic in the family strong, even going to witchcraft academies around the world, many daughters of those who were in the orphanage of Luna Nova, returning again to the place to enroll the future witches or wizards that come, as the little Charlotte that in this time was already getting well grown, being very present in the life of her mother, and in the times she could go to the Cavendish mansion to visit her friends.

That day Luna Nova was on holiday, so that's where Croix and Charlotte decided to get the brooms, going flying to Edinburgh, in a new landscape, even having from time to time a constant air traffic of witches passing from one side to the other, the skies also cleaner, thanks to magic as an energy source much of the pollution can be lowered, the world can find a way to be more sustainable, thanks to the witches.
They land at the mansion and by there they already notice that Ruby the oldest daughter of Diana, Amanda and Akko, Moira and Nora the daughters of Hellene and Marianne were kind of playing with each other shooting with toy pistols.

" Guys it's Charlie she's come to see us! " Said Moira excitedly as the others stopped playing with Ruby hitting one last head shot of the older McLaren.

" Hey girls how are you " Du Nord Meridies said.

" Whew, today looks like a pretty nice day to enjoy, where are your grandmothers and mothers? " asks Croix.

" They are inside the house Mrs Meridies " Little Cavendish said.

Meridies goes inside as her daughter is called by the girls to go play some more with the toy guns and around there were the other children too, who were playing on a playground together, little Victoria and Elisabeth, a tribute to the women of the McLaren family, being the two youngest daughters of Hellene and Marianne, as also the other two daughters of Diana, Amanda and Akko, Sapphire and Emerald, the children wave back to the purple haired one who waves back, then seeing the mothers who were sitting on a counter looking at the children.

" Oh Croix, good to see you here today, we were just talking about you earlier " Diana said sipping some tea.

" Miracle you guys are here, huh, did you manage to get some time off? " said the Italian.

" I decided to take some time off for the children and the girls, who would have thought that being a mother is so complex, to this day I am staring at how I have three daughters " Akko said.

" Kind of this is my last season in the WRC, then I'm retiring from the track, I think I've done too much, I want to have some time for my lassies, next week I leave here for Kenya " Cavendish said.

" Akko and I talked to Diana about taking some time off, I had already stopped skateboarding a while ago, our girls will need a lot of attention now " O'Neill said.

" To think that you were all teenagers when everything happened isn't... Those events we don't forget, by the way, are you still in touch with the others? We might as well have a meeting," Croix said.

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