Panic at Edinburgh

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Saturday 15 December 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland

The days went by, the girls' training was starting to catch fire, each day things were also modernizing, with Constanze on one side improving the MGE's and also the huge Magic Gears Suits, which could give an extra protection, besides opening a way through the corridors of the cultists' base, with enough machines ready for when the surprise of the day arrived. On the other hand the cultists were also preparing for their attempt at a mass attack, getting the strategic points, so that all the chaos could begin, the panic throughout the city of Edinburgh that would follow the mission to attack the Cavendish family mansion.

At the cultists base Daryl was already giving the orders and two groups were spreading around the city of Edinburgh, some observers to activate the bombs manually and thus prevent any way of the cars to get close and also to distract when they were going to attack directly the mansion. Since this was the other group that was spying for a long time and they had the help of the best men of the order to go to the attack, armed with an alternative version of the MGE, made by Anastazia and Roxanna.
On the city starts the first way to instauration the chaos, on the middle of everything on Edinburgh's castle a bomb is burst, what the people around are starting to panic, starting to run, after that some incendiary
grenades are starting to light up along the length of the castle, such as wood is thrown on the place so that the fire spreads, the castle's alarm starts to ring and Daryl is watching everything from far away, amazed.

" Perfect, that's just the way it has to happen, soon the first firefighters will start showing up, heh " Cavendish said with a wicked smile and looking at everything excited.

The castle starts to be evacuated, but then bombs explode and close the passages of the tourists that were passing by there, as well as other people that showed up, they were trying somehow to put out the fire using the little water they had, but things were getting worse, as if it was all a big arson, which starts to call the attention of the media, who are trying to run there.
At the Cavendish mansion Hellene was kind of sitting on the roof and she observes the black smoke coming from far away, then with her girlfriend she takes a flight and notices that the Edinburgh castle was on fire, running she goes to the inside to warn Croix and Bernadette, finding them in the middle of the room.

" People! People! People! They're starting! The attack is not here yet, but it could be a way to fool us! " McLaren said.

" The cultists? What do you mean Hellene, this is too serious for you to say such things," Bernadette said, and then her youngest daughter turned on the television and the news began to play.

"Cameras attacked by terrorist group in Edinburgh, group of reporters were trying to get close to where the fire was happening amidst the castle and were attacked by some kind of landmine"

" Evidently it's them, they are causing panic to then focus the attack here, they saw that in the fire of Luna Nova it didn't work, but here it may even work too well, let's go! We have to guarantee our safety " said Croix.

The girls go running to where the safe base of the mansion was, where from there Croix starts to activate the magic barriers, right after that all the house employees have fake babies given on their arms to deceive the cultists in case they try to enter the mansion and kill Charlotte, while the real Charlotte was on a corner and an even safe escape route, in case the worst would happen.
From far away Daryl already notices everything, when he notices the purple lights of the huge dome forming and then everything becoming transparent.

" Oh they seem to have got the message pretty quickly, well anyway we can buy some time in the city, in the meantime my men will do their best to get the mansion in a good way " Cavendish said.

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