chapter 119: skin and valentines

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"the flies come roaring out,
and will surround the entire world,
and blacken out the sky and every last one of you,
like a plague of locusts,
like an exit, like an end."
-"burning bright (a field on fire)", nine inch nails
i can finally say this now:

Testament were about to head out on tour at the very end of the month when Sam had the idea to make a drawing for them as a good luck charm of sorts. She also finally decided to head out with them while on tour given she was already in the thick of it all with traveling back and forth between her parents' houses. The other alternative was staying back home there in California and doing nothing to save herself.
She had that business card of which Charlie had given her before and she knew the only way in which she could do something with it was if she went with them. They did have a few stops over in New York after all.
In the meantime it had been a couple of weeks since he had told her that Anthrax were headed into the studio and there was no word if Joey would join them as of yet. Even though she was well nestled within their circle, it almost felt as though she had been put at a distance. The West Coast stood out as a completely whole separate world from back East. If nothing else, she had to bring both worlds together in some way or fashion.
She worked on that drawing all month long until they left for upstate New York and she finally decided to join along with them. As far as everyone knew, she wasn't their groupie, but rather their resident artist. She came up with the story that she would follow them wherever they went and made art along the way for them.
But that drawing consisted of the finest pen work she had made since Cliff was alive.
The snakes on her head. The look on her face.
It was sort of a self portrait: she based the expression on her face off of the way in which she looked in the mirror's reflection in the mornings. The way her face was shaped. The way in which the serpents riddled and writhed around the crown of her head. She had to draw it and she had to draw it up not just for herself but for those five men as well.
It was also around this time she began to see the mysterious man in her dreams once again.
He often appeared to her in fragments those times around: rather than full fledged dreams, but she knew it was him. The way in which his hair waved about and the way he always gazed back at her from the void. The way he seemed to burn into her memory like the ripe bright cherry at the end of a cigarette.
And she still had no idea if he was supposed to represent Alex or someone else. All she knew was Marla was the only other person who saw him in her dreams when the going got rough.
She finished up the last of the serpents on Medusa's head the night before she flew out to upstate New York with Testament. The more she thought about it, the more appropriate it felt to her to have drawn up Medusa before she sat next to Alex again on the plane. Greg and Eric were on the other side of the aisle from them; meanwhile Chuck and Tiffany took to the seats right behind them, and Louie was right next to an old man on the other side. Sam and Alex were surrounded: no way they could act upon each other there on the flight, especially since he kept his nose in the book he was reading all the while.
"You brought some of your drawings with you, right?" he asked her at one point, to which he lowered his book from his line of sight. For a brief moment, she looked up at the little tuft of gray atop his head and she swore it grew within only a couple of weeks time, from a slight pearl to a full on tuft the size of a baby carrot.
"There was no way I wasn't going to bring them with me," she told him in a low voice: Louie's soft snoring right behind them caught her attention. She peered across the aisle to find Greg had fallen asleep as well while Eric paid attention to a few letters he had received just prior to the tour's onset.
She opened her journal right there for Alex and showed him that drawing of Medusa, to which he gasped at the very sight of it. Those thin lines of black ink that made up the scales on the snakes. The richness of the green skin. The way in which her eyes glared at the both of them from the nothing.
"Wow," he breathed.
"I'm extra proud of this one, yeah," she confessed to him.
"As you should be—that's stunning."
"You know what else I wanna do?" she asked him.
"What's that?"
"Well, seeing as we're on a plane and there really isn't anyone else paying much attention to us—"
He raised his eyebrows at that.
"You're not suggesting..." he muttered, and he hesitated right in his tracks.
Sam turned to a fresh page right at the middle of the journal and without sparing a scratch of graphite or a drop of ink, she drew up two bodies right there on the page before her. Alex tucked his bookmark in between the pages and set it down on the tray before him so he could watch her.
The smooth angles of a young man in his prime. The smooth gentle full curves of a young woman.
He raised his eyebrows when she added the black hair on his head and left a spot black for the tuft of gray over his brow. He showed her a smirk when she added her features on the woman.
"Oh my," he whispered. "You really are Georgia O'Keeffe. Go sexy some more."
She brought a finger to her lips even though it was obvious no one paid any attention right then.
He showed her a sweet, thoughtful smile when she signed her initials at the bottom of the page.
"Mmm, sexy erotic art," he noted. "No one can ever know about it, though."
She shook her head at that and she looked over to see Eric looking in their direction.
"What about me?" he said to them in a low voice, and Alex brought a hand to his mouth to keep his laughter from growing too loud.
Then Sam remembered that Eric had offered her a date. She had hope that he would do that for her at any given moment during that tour, but as long as they didn't do it there in upstate New York, she would be fine with it.
Within time, they landed there in Poughkeepsie and Sam recognized that shoulder length blonde hair under the lights of the airport.
"Bel!" she called her.
"Hey, Sam!" Belinda greeted her with a tight embrace: she had missed the way in which she smelled.
"Hey, Belinda!" Louie followed up from right behind them. Chuck rounded out the group hug from the left there.
"I've got to call my dad and tell him that we made over here in one piece," Sam told them; and Belinda turned to Eric for a hug himself.
"Good plan, li'l Sammich," Chuck said.
"Hey, when's Father's Day this year?" she asked him.
"Father's Day is the—eighteenth, I think? We're going down South then so we might not have a phone nearby."
"I could just skip on it," she suggested with a shrug of her shoulders.
"You forget and you become the girl who forgot Father's Day," he told her. He lifted his gaze to right behind her and she turned around for a look back at him there. Those long black curls down around his shoulders and the little pile upon his head so it actually resembled to a crown of sorts.
"Joey!" Sam declared, and her heart hammered inside of her chest.
"Sam! I thought that was your caboose right there—" He extended his arms towards her; as she came closer to him, she noticed tears in his eyes. She held him so close and his lips grazed against the side of her neck, as soft as they had ever been before. The softest they had ever been before towards her.
It felt so long since she had touched him and felt his body pressed up against her own. He leaned into her face and pressed his lips to her own. His tongue slithered right into her mouth and she wondered where they were headed from that point onward.
She knew Alex stood there right behind them all the while but she didn't care. She had her arms around Joey's slender body and her lips locked onto his.
His brown eyes sparkled with life as he led her away from there.
"Where are they going?" she heard Belinda ask Alex right behind them. But she couldn't hear what he said to her given Joey led her all the way back to the little shops at the front of the airport.
"Joey, where are we going?" she asked him at one final point.
He led her into a gift shop which, had she not known any better, she swore was a lingerie shop. There was no one else in there with them: Joey guided her to the edge of the room, right behind a rack of snow globes. They were nestled back there on the freshly vacuumed carpet. No one else but them.
He put her lips to hers and he ducked down behind the snow globes. She followed suit to the floor with him.
"Fuck it," he breathed into her ear. "Fuck it—just fuck me. Right here, right now. Right in front of everyone."
She reached down and caressed the crotch of his jeans with three fingers. Joey whimpered right into her ear. She made out and had phony sex with two other men before then but she needed to do it for real right there with Joey himself. He fell to his knees before her and then he lay down on the soft clean carpet. His black curls sprawled out from underneath his head in those rich lush waves.
"Sit on me," he begged her.
Two men who begged it from her and specifically from her of all people.
"Sit on my face," he begged her, "sit on my face and let's get it on hot."
She was about to lose her virginity with Joey. That rite of passage that everyone talked about and made such a huge deal about this whole entire time.
She set her courier bag down on the floor right there. She stripped off her jeans and took a seat right over the prominent tip of his nose.
The edge of his tongue slithered around on her lips as she spread her legs a bit for him. It was difficult given they were in the midst of a gift shop but they were tucked back in a small corner of it all. She could only hope that no one else would see or hear them as Joey licked harder for her.
She gasped as the feeling only persisted with him. She lifted up and took a seat on his hips. No one else around them, even there in broad daylight.
Joey gagged on something. He coughed a few times and covered his mouth with the full palm of his hand.
"Shhh," she hissed to him, and with her finger up to her lips.
"Hello?" someone on the other side of the room called out.
"Damn it," he groaned. "The next time we get a moment alone, I hope it's at the hockey rink."
"Hello, hello?" the clerk called out again.
Sam lifted up and fixed her jeans with a bit of haste. Joey did the same before he sat up again right as she came back towards them.
"I've just got a hair on my tongue," he explained to the woman, and Sam shook her head at that as she picked up her courier bag from the carpet. She paid no attention to what he was doing right then.
"We're alright, I promise," Sam assured her as she held onto Joey's arm and led him back out of there, right as they met up with Belinda and Testament once again.
"What the hell was going on in there?" Eric demanded, and Chuck burst laughing when he saw Joey.
Sam finally turned around for a better look at him and the blush over his face and his tongue hanging out from his mouth like a dog.
"We're a thirsty boy," she joked to them in a low voice, and Greg yelped out at that. Joey shook his head and blushed.
The seven of them made their way over to the hotel about a block from the theater, and all the while, he put his hand on her knee and even inside of her thigh. Testament's van remained right before them the whole way there and yet she wished to be in there with them, not because she wanted to get away from Joey but because she wanted to hang out with them some more.
They pulled up to a stoplight and he leaned in closer to her for a kiss on her neck. She returned the favor with a kiss on his lips and her hands on either side of his face.
He blinked several times once he pulled back from her and lunged ahead on the vast main road.
They climbed out of the car together—how Sam missed the humid lush feeling of upstate! But no sooner had she rounded the back end of the car when she felt his hand fondle up the seat of her pants.
"God, you're horny right now," she groaned.
"I haven't seen my girl in so long," he begged to her as he handed her her courier bag, her purse, as well as her travel bag. "I can't touch my girl? Like she has to cock block me?"
"Not in front of the boys," she insisted; indeed, Testament had gotten out of their van; Belinda joined in from the car behind them as well.
"Besides," he told her in a low voice, "I've gotta slip into sump'n a li'l more... dare I say, comfortable." He flashed her a wink when he said that. "Also, Charlie should be up here like any time this evening. He wants you to meet someone."
Sam raised her eyebrows at that. Now she knew the meaning behind the card Charlie had given her in the rehearsal space that previous time. Joey then leaned back into her face for a hearty kiss on the lips before he climbed back into his car again. Her heart swelled inside of her chest as he gave her a glimpse back and showed her a wink.
Given it was the middle of the last day before the brand new tour, she knew that Joey would be back for the show that following night, and perhaps her as well. She watched him go off when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to find Greg right behind her with a little smirk on his face.
She turned around for a better look at the five of them plus Belinda.
"I think this hotel here has some billiards, Eric," she said aloud as she hoisted her purse over her shoulder. The sound of billiards made Alex raise his eyebrows at Sam. She shook her head at that and he snickered.
Since it was the beginning of June there in upstate New York, it wasn't until seven o'clock when the sun began to hang low over the horizon, and when Sam finally called up Ruben to tell him that they had made it there to the East Coast.
"You kids have fun this summer," he told her.
"Oh, we will," she vowed as she lifted up her shirt and proceeded to change into something more comfortable herself.
Greg and Alex sat on either side of her at dinner time there in the wide open front lobby: every so often a gust of cool wind blew her black hair back and the bottom of her little low cut black blouse up so both of them could have a view of her belly. It also didn't help matters that she wore little black denim shorts all the while.
Eric and Belinda were still billiards while Louie had gone out there in town and Chuck and Tiffany sat on the far side of the open floor together, right underneath a television suspended on the wall.
Every so often, Greg gave his long dark hair a little toss back with a flick of his head so Sam could see the side of his neck. She never noticed the bit of five o'clock shadow there on his chin and all around his jaw line before. On the other hand, the thought of Joey with a bit of fuzz on his face tickled her a bit.
"Greg, you oughta put your hair up," Alex suggested.
"Yeah, you'll look all stylish like a model," Sam joked, which in turn made the both of them laugh out loud.
"I'm getting kinda hot, anyways," Greg confessed.
"Hot as in thermally?" she asked him as he stood to his feet.
"Hot as in thermally, yeah," he replied with a straight face, but it only made Alex chuckle. Greg flashed her a wink as he stepped away from their table and headed back inside of the hotel. Alex took one more bite of his chicken alfredo, and then he leaned back in his chair and ran his fingers through his dark hair followed by the tuft of gray.
"Stick a fork in me, I'm done," he said, to which Sam picked up her fork and gently poked his belly with the tines. He flinched back which only made her giggle at him. She tried to gently poke him again and he flinched back to the edge of the chair some more. She pictured him being so cute with a bit of weight on his body: he was already on his way with the round shape of his face and those apple shaped cheekbones.
He then stopped. His eyes widened like a deer in the headlights. The warm soft color in his face drained away to that of old drywall. He looked as though he was about to vomit up his dinner right there.
"What?" she asked him, and he pointed across the floor. She turned her head and she looked on at the television screen.
"Tiananmen Square in Beijing," he said, "a bunch of protests over there from people who want democracy. It's been going on for more than a full month now. They actually declared martial law over there just a couple weeks ago. Look at that guy!"
Her mouth stood agape as they watched a sole man stand in the middle of the street there in Beijing, right before a tank. When the tank moved out of the way of him, he moved to the side. They then both watched him climb up the side of the tank to the top hatch, and they gaped at each other. Alex returned to it and then he brought his hands to his mouth once more.
"Holy shit," he blurted out; one of the few times Sam had ever heard Alex swear before her.
Thousands of Chinese took to the streets right there before their eyes against a backdrop of smoke and bullets. The crawlers on the top and bottom of the screen all read in Mandarin and given they were across the room, they couldn't hear it, but the horrified look on Alex's face told her everything she needed to know about it.
He shook his head and stood to his feet.
"What's the matter?" she asked him as she followed him outside to the impending darkness. "Alex?"
He bowed his head and hurried away from there: Sam followed right behind him, and then he finally stopped and turned towards her with a look of absolute pain on his face.
"I can't—I can't—that's just—no."
Even in the darkness, she could see the tears in his eyes. She put her arms around him and held him so close to her.
"I want to help those poor people," he wept. "They don't need that horse shit! They need to be free!"
"It's okay, Alex," she told him in a hushed voice. "You do what you can. You do good, too. If it's any comfort at all, that worries me, too."
He lifted his gaze to her and looked on at her like a lost puppy.
"That is a comfort to me," he promised her. She pressed her hands to either side of his face and she put her lips to his. "As is that," he added.
"Hey, guess what?"
"We're alone again," she said, and he glanced about the sidewalk.
"Yeah, we are. How appropriate."
"You wanna hang out?" she offered him.
"Let's," he replied with a little flutter of his eyelashes.
"You're knockin' me out with those lashes, boy," she teased him.
"I should knock your ass out right now just for that," he retorted to her.
"Knock my ass out right now with fuck all below the belt?"
He laughed at that, that big hearty laugh right from deep within his body. He lingered closer to her again.
"You really do what you can, Alex," she repeated. "I can see you being such a force to be reckoned with in the music world with your voice."
He showed her a sweet little smile and he lowered his eyelids a little bit. He showed her his tongue as well, as he ran the tip over those soft lips.
He then turned his head and he gestured to the other side of the lot, there of which stood a short alleyway.
"There's a spot right over there," he told her in a low voice, and they ran across the parking lot, past Testament's van and past Anthrax's bus, both of which had been posted up at the curb. He rounded the corner first; once she joined him there he opened the buttons on his shirt a bit more so as to show off more of his chest to her. She thought back to when they took her to the field they scattered Cliff's ashes, except this time they were about to do it for real. The sole light came from a floodlight at the rim of the parking lot, but the distant glow from it was enough to soften his skin and make him appear fuller and rounder than before; full and round like the moon.
He grimaced at something.
"What's wrong?" she asked him.
"I've got an itch," he complained.
"I've got an itch!" A soft rustling sound emerged from the darkness between them.
"Where? I'll scratch it for you."
"It's—It's—It's?" He chuckled at that. "It's—on my—I dunno if you know about any of this because you're a woman and whatnot—there's like this little tent that forms over the crotch of a guy's jeans when he sits for too long. The itch is literally right on my crotch."
"Again, I'll scratch it for you," she said.
"You just wanna touch my crotch," he chided.
"Of course I wanna touch your crotch because it's nice and warm and very soft."
"Not as soft as my ass, I would assume," he teased her.
"Your ass is like a little pillow, Alex," she retorted. "You know what else is like a little pillow is your tummy."
"Eating so many ginger snaps," he teased her as he patted his stomach. "Too many in fact."
"How's that little vampire bite I gave you holding up, by the way?"
He lifted up his shirt and showed her that red mark the size of a dime right next to his belly button. His milky skin seemed to glow under the soft light behind him, and it glowed bright enough for her to see the mark for herself.
"Like a little branding of sorts," he joked, and she giggled at that. To think it wasn't that long ago she and him didn't like each other that much. She put her arms up on his shoulders and he leaned back against the wall. She moved her face up to his and he parted his lips for her. The dim light softened his face, and those deep eyes, and that plume of gray over the right side of his brow: she still owed an encounter with Greg at some point during that tour, but for the time being she needed to be with Alex. She ran her fingers through his inky black hair and he tilted his head back a bit to show her his neck.
"C'mere, baby," she whispered to him. "Come to mama, baby."
"I'll come right here and right now," he whispered back to her. "Just undo my pants for me 'cause they're a bit tight."
She undid the button with both hands and then she reached down the front there. He was firming up but he needed a little bit of help.
Joey was actually down on the floor for her.
Alex meanwhile had his back to the wall for her.
"Yeah, just like that," he breathed as her fingers caressed over his skin. "Yeah—Yeah—it's like squeezing a tube." He gasped when she touched him a little bit too hard, but it brought a devilish smirk to her face.
"Harder?" she teased him.
"Harder—come on, you can do better than that. I know you can."
"I want you on your back," she commanded him; at the same time that was all she could think of with him. Something about his round face and those deep eyes whereby she wanted to see him down on the ground, splayed wide open all for her. "I want you on your back and I want you to beg for mercy."
"Can't really lie down, though," he whimpered as she touched him with a bit more pressure.
"I want to give it to you, though," she said.
"Give it good and hard?"
"Extra hard. I know you like a little pain, baby."
"I'm a bad boy and I need a good bit of punishing."
"I'll punish you, alright," she retorted back to him. It was as if they were ricocheting off of each other.
Alex's lanky fingers slithered down to the waist of her shorts and he yanked them off a bit. She undid the button on her shorts and she let them slide down her legs. Even in the darkness she could feel him right there right before her.
"I wanna know how you taste," he whispered.
"You know. The place where the sugar bleeds out."
"Oh, there. It might be hard to do that standing up, though."
"I don't think so," he whispered, and he dropped down from her face and down to her waist. She never went this far with Cliff before and thus to feel this right before her was almost alien to her. She could feel him taking off her underwear. She spread her legs a bit to help him out with it.
The feel of his tongue there sent a shiver up her spine.
"I think it's—it's—" he breathed. "This is like ten ginger snaps."
He tickled her with his tongue. She could feel him going up inside of her with nothing more than that tongue. He slithered about like a hearty snake.
He then gasped for air and she shuddered from the feeling at the base of her spine.
"Whoa," he groaned out.
"Yeah, you were digging deep there," she sputtered: she was warm as a smoldering fire below the belt. Her nipples hardened on the inside of her bra.
"I want you to make me a mess," he begged her. "I want you to do it, Samantha!"
He opened the rest of the buttons on his shirt for her and she put her arms around him. She thought back to when he was a sixteen year old boy and she had that fleeting thought about kissing him. She could do it for real at that point.
"Yeah, you like that, don't ya, big boy?" she breathed into his lips. She held back into an upright position and she gazed straight into those deep eyes right before her face.
It was like shedding skin with him. Even though she never saw anyone like that before, she did feel it within her with Alex right underneath her. She kept her knees on either side of his hips. It was just like Chuck, except she was really there for real that time around.
His back to the wall and her hands on his shoulders.
They stared right into each other's eyes as she ground down on him.
"You can go faster, you know," he said without batting a lash.
So she did. He pressed his hands down on the wall behind him.
She held onto his shoulders a bit harder so she could go faster and harder on him.
A long time coming.
"Mmm—yeah, that's it right there," Alex stammered. "Right there!" He closed his eyes and relished in the feeling between his thighs.
"Like that?" She thrust a little extra hard on him and he gasped again.
"Like that!"
"Like that!"
She lifted off of him right as he came for her: as if she knew he was about to come right there. Out of breath, Alex's knees buckled and he slid down the wall a bit. Sam could feel something trickling down the inside of her legs.
"You're bleeding, my mistress," he said in a broken voice. His bare chest heaved and he flashed her a shaky thumbs up. "I—I—that was everything I could've asked for..." He let out a whistle while she pulled up her panties and her shorts. She had a couple of pads in her purse back in the room, which meant she had to run back there with her legs together.
"Fuck me," he breathed out.
"Okay!" Sam declared, and he burst out laughing at that, and then he followed it up with a soft moan from his throat. She stooped down for a better look into his face.
"D'you like that, baby?" she whispered. His knees quivered a bit as he stood back up to his feet; she caught him before he lost his balance.
"That was everything I ever imagined," he said, still out of breath.
"Mmm—baby." She put her arms around his waist.
"No one can ever know about us," he said in a low voice, and she looked right into his round face and those eyes. He had never been so soft before. She had him right in the palm of her hand like a handful of jelly. She gave him another kiss right on the lips, albeit one that was quite a bit longer that time around. She slid her hand down his stomach, still very soft despite having slimmed down with time. Silky soft and very sweet, just how she liked him.
"Not a single soul, baby," she breathed into his parted lips.
She bowed her a bit which in turn accentuated the sharpness of her brow to him, and through the dim light he showed her an exhausted little smile. And yet his eyes burned into her like the cherries on the ends of cigarettes.
She kept her legs pressed together as she headed back to her room for a shower and a fresh change into her clothes. Even though it was still early, she was ready for bed by the time Belinda returned to the room a bit tipsy; she dared not explain to her the blood on her underwear or why there was a few little specks on the bathtub there, and she could only say that it was nothing more than paint.
She went to bed early that night and woke up early the next morning, mainly from the sore feeling between her legs but also from the fact that she had gone to bed early that evening. She padded into the bathroom, and as she ran her hair brush through her dark hair, she looked on at the full figured woman in the mirror in front of her.
"Those two men are just something else," she muttered as she shook her head. Even after she vowed to Alex that she would keep the whole thing a secret betweent the two of them, she knew that her clothes still smelled like both him and Joey. She picked up that low cut black blouse she wore on that first day there in upstate New York
"Bastards—both of them," she said as she shook her head.
The spot between her legs was going to be sore from where she and Joey did it together, which in turn felt even more sore courtesy of Alex. But she dared not tell anyone about either encounter as she headed downstairs to fetch two cups of coffee and two plates of breakfast for both her and Belinda.
Alex was already up himself: he stood there before the buffet table with an empty plate in hand. When no one was looking, she reached down and slapped him right on the seat of his pants, to which he lurched forward. He turned around with a bewildered look on his face and then he flashed her a little grin.
"Yeah, you better take it easy on them ginger snaps, Alejandro," she teased him, "if not a belly, you're starting to get a bit of junk in the trunk."
"I've got junk in my trunk? What about junk on my junk?"
She peered over her shoulder to ensure no one wasn't eavesdropping on them.
"I'll put a bit of junk on your junk soon enough," she vowed to him in a husky voice, and he giggled at that.
"Sam!" Charlie's voice sailed from across the room.
"More on that later, baby," she promised Alex in a soft whisper right into his ear. She bowed over to the other side of the room where Charlie sat across from a strange woman.
"Sam, this is Scarlett Valentine," he introduced her, "—the artsy woman I was telling you about whom I introduced Marla to and almost singlehandedly got her foot in the door in the art scene."
"Not quite," Scarlett assured him in a big Queens accent much like Scott, "Marla still has to find a place to set up her works first. I also wouldn't say singlehandedly, either, as I had a bit of help, too."
"Oh, so you're Scarlett!" Sam declared.
"That I am." She showed her a friendly warm smile and a little glimmer in her eyes. She had a short straight bob of platinum blonde hair which fit her heart shaped face so she resembled to a queen of hearts, and she wore a smart dark red bathrobe over her pajamas.
"I'd have to go back up to my room to fetch you my journal, though," Sam told her with a shrug.
"That's okay," Scarlett assured her. "Charlie was just about to get the both of us a cup of coffee each." Charlie himself shrugged and blushed from the attention on him.
Even with her legs sore, Sam still bowed back up to her room for her journal. Each step made her heart pound faster and faster in her chest. It was really happening: someone who had a lead in the New York art scene could perhaps help her out.
Soon, she returned to the lobby.
It almost felt as though she was about to display herself naked in front of an audience as she opened the journal to that drawing of Medusa. Charlie gaped at the sight of it where Scarlett examined those fine lines and those bright colors as if she inspected buried treasure.
"What do you think?" Sam asked her.
"This is brilliant," she breathed, "utterly beautiful—just takes my breath away." She sat upright so she had a bit of distance between herself and the page. "Very unique style, too, like it stands out from a mile away."
She turned to Sam with a twinkle in her eye.
"You are going to be the next big thing in the art scene, Miss Shelley," she said, and the excited smile crossed her face all the while. "In New York and maybe elsewhere as well.
"You sure about that?" Sam asked her, to which Scarlett nodded; she never imagined anyone using those words on her before, let alone someone whom she had just met through Charlie.
"What did Frankie and I tell you when we first met?" he recalled as he took a sip of coffee.

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