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<Scene high school classroom - morning lecture>

Homeroom teacher, Mr. Urahara, started off with a morning lecture that the students didn't care much about. Some of the students were whispering to each other, eating snacks, and not even looking at Mr. Urahara. The only one actually listening to the teacher's lecture was Orihime. Despite how boring the lecture was, she appreciates Mr. Urahara's words. Ulquiorra, who sits next to her, noticed Orihime listening intently, and all he could do was stare at her.

Ulquiorra: (Everyone else is fooling around. She's the only one who actually cares about the dull lecture...)

Mr. Urahara: Class! Pay attention!

Grimmjow sits behind Orihime relaxed and rested his crossed legs on his desk.

Grimmjow: Why? What you're saying is boring. It makes me yawn. YAAAWWWNN!

Mr. Urahara: If it's that boring, all of you can leave the classroom! Get ready for your detentions!

Orihime: Be respectful please, Grimmjow.

Grimmjow: Heh. What is respect? Show me.

Ulquiorra: Stop acting like a spoiled child.

Grimmjow: Spoiled child? Is that the best insult you could think of?

The students around the three watched them argue, even Mr. Urahara. He stopped talking. All he did was sigh and crossed his arms. Then, he looked out the window in silence for around a minute.

Mr. Urahara: Orihime, join Grimmjow and Ulquiorra to run laps around the school for an hour!

Orihime: Mr. Urahara! I was only trying to-

Mr. Urahara: Yes, yes, I know you were trying to do the right thing, but you three disrupted class. So, run around the school together until the bell rings for the next class!

Grimmjow: Tch. Make me.

Orihime stood up from her seat and walked towards the door and into the hallway. Ulquiorra grabbed Grimmjow's ear, pulling him as they walked out of the classroom.

Grimmjow: Agh! Let go!

Orihime: This is the first time we have to run around the school as punishment!

Ulquiorra: You are to blame, Grimmjow.

Grimmjow: OH, shut up, mister "I'm being a good listener" when all you did was stare at Orihime!

Ulquiorra: ...

Orihime: Huh?

Grimmjow: HAHA! What a lovestruck idiot. You don't even have the courage to tell her you like her!

Ulquiorra: Nonsense. I see you're growing even more stupid each day.

Grimmjow's comment didn't affect Ulquiorra as much as it did with Orihime. Ulquiorra still kept his poker face, yet Orihime avoided looking at Ulquiorra to hide her red cheeks.

Orihime: (Is it true that Ulquiorra likes me? He isn't obvious at all...)

Ulquiorra: (Lovestruck? What made him say such a thing? Does observing Orihime during class equate to being lovestruck?)

Grimmjow: (Is she for real? Does she actually like him? That expression she's making... I was only joking.)

<Scene outside of the school building - near the school field>

Orihime was exhausted from jogging with Ulquiorra and Grimmjow. For once, Grimmjow actually obeyed Mr. Urahara and silently jogged with Orihime and Ulquiorra. It could be because he wanted to follow Orihime to see if she truly has feelings for Ulquiorra. He was behind the two of them, watching the way Orihime acted next to Ulquiorra.

Orihime Script: Fight For Me (UlquiHimeGrimm)Where stories live. Discover now