twenty-eight:﹙keep his word﹚

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keep his word.

"contains; death,"—proceed with caution

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"contains; death,"
—proceed with caution

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Morning dawned upon the couple what felt like quickly. Matt was sound asleep, his right hand resting on Y/n's back. His head was on the pillow, with snores, soundly coming from his mouth. Y/n had her head on the pillow 

Matt had turned off both of their alarms in the hope of the couple sleeping in. But he didn't silence Y/n or his phone. Which suddenly started to ring sitting on the dresser next to Y/n, her phone rang vibrating on the table. 

This quickly and annoyingly woke Matt up, he jolted his head a little moving his hand up Y/n's shoulder slightly giving it a shake to wake her up to answer the phone.  Humming, she hasn't heard the sounds of the phone ringing before lifting her head up from the pillow more. 

Reaching her hand up to the dresser but not moving her body, she grabbed onto the phone and answered it without seeing who was calling her. Matt adjusted himself in the bed since Y/n had just sat up pressing her back against the wall. 

In loud cries, and panting from the other side, Y/n woke right up sitting up on the bed and rubbing her eyes. 

"B-Ben he's dead," Eden's broken voice said. 

Her heart dropped, with Matt jolting his head a little bit. Y/n had wide eyes turning to Matt her mouth semi-gaped. Looking at Matt as if she didn't know what to do, Moving his hand from her knee, he heard what Eden had said from the other end of the phone. 

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