Nesting Pt2 💙💚(clingy Dream addition)

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When George returned home he didn't expect it to be so quiet. When he had left it had been kinda loud, both Dream and Sapnap laughing loudly at the jokes they were both making.

Now though it was clear that Sapnap had left. The house was quiet, and his car was no longer parked in the driveway.

George went up to his and Dream's shared bedroom. When he entered the room the first thing he noticed was the nest arranged on the floor.

The second was the sleeping form of his mate. He was laying in the nest, that was messy and hastily thrown together. It was clear to George that Dream wanted comfort and just threw together what he could.

George sat down next to the nest. He reached over and tapped him gently on the shoulder. He watched as Dream turned towards him, blinking tiredly. "Hey, Dreamie."

Dream stared up at him before sitting up. He reached out and gently cupped the smaller boy's face. George leaned into his hand, pressing a gentle kiss to the palm of it. The alpha began purring as he watched his mate nuzzle his hand.

"Can I enter your nest?" Dream didn't bother with a verbal answer, wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling him into the nest. George smiled as Dream buried his face in his neck.

They lay there for a while before George decided it was time to move to the bed. "Baby." Dream hummed quietly. "We should move to the bed." Dream whined quietly, burying his face deeper into his neck.

George giggled quietly, carefully extracting himself from his boyfriend's arms. He carefully stood up and stepped out of the nest. When he turned he saw Dream sitting up and staring up at him like a confused puppy. "I need your help moving the nest to the bed." He watched as Dream stood.

The two of them gathered the blankets in their arms and laid them on the bed. "I'm gonna go change real quick, alright?" He watched as Dream pulled off his hoodie, and held it out to him.

"Do you want me to wear this to bed?" He laughed quietly as the alpha nodded eagerly. He grabbed the item of clothing and a pair of shorts, walking into the bathroom to brush his teeth and change.

When he walked back into the bathroom he saw Dream carefully rearranging the nest on the bed. The taller's head snapped up at the sound of the door.

George watched as Dream climbed off the bed and began to walk up to him. "What are you doi-" He cut himself off with a yelp as he was lifted off the ground and into Dream's arms. He struggled for a split second before he relaxed into his boyfriend's arms. He lifted his head and pressed a kiss to the underside of Dream's jaw, smiling against it as the other purred quietly.

Dream walked the two of them across the room, setting George on the bed once he got to it.

George reached his arms up, trying to draw him closer, as Dream climbed into the nest.

He began running his fingers through the alpha's hair as he lay his head on his chest.

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