Nesting pt 4(💙💚❤)

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Sapnap woke up to his mates’ smells being much stronger than it was when he fell asleep.

He sat up to see where the smell was coming from.

He looked around, feeling slightly disappointed when they weren’t right next to him.

He decided to look at the floor and that is when he saw the two of them were.

Both of his mates were laying curled together on the floor. They had a single pillow which Dream was laying his head on. Instead of using a pillow, George was curled against his side, using his chest as a replacement pillow.

The two shared a blanket, which was draped over both of their sleeping forms.

Sapnap continued to watch as his lovers slept, smiling fondly when one of them would grumble or whine in their sleep and somehow pull one another close.

He frowned for a moment, wondering why the other two decided to lay on the floor instead of getting in bed with him.

He thought about it for a moment before he felt his heart melt when he realized why.

It was common knowledge that it was extremely disrespectful to enter one's nest without expressed permission.

Sapnap realized that even though it was his first time creating a nest and that it was in  Dream’s   room, they paid him the same respect they would one another.

The realization made him feel warm and he began to purr.

He didn’t realize that the noise had woken one of the other boys up.


His head snapped up to look at the voice, noticing it was Dream.

The older boy had sat up and brought George with him. He kept the smaller man close to his neck, clearly trying not to wake him.

The two stared at each other before Dream spoke.

“Do we have permission to enter your nest?”

Even though part of Sapnap had expected the question, he was still shocked.

He stared before nodding eagerly, watching as Dream grinned.

The man stood, carrying George along with him as he walked towards the bed. He layed George down before climbing over him to get closer to the beta.

The two lay down, facing one another and examining each other’s faces.


Sapnap giggled. “Hi.”

The two giggled quietly before Sapnap leaned up and captured the taller’s lips in a gentle kiss.

Dream hummed into the kiss, eventually being forced to pull away by another body forcing itself between them.

They looked down to see George, who was sleepily pouting at the beta.

“What?” Sapnap giggled out.

“Where’re my kisses?”

Both of the other men laughed at him, cooing when he just exaggerated his pout.

Sapnap leaned down and kissed the pout off of his face, smiling into it as George hummed and wrapped his arms around his neck.

The kiss with George lasted longer than the one with Dream did, the two only breaking away to breathe.

The two were panting, trying to catch their breath when Dream spoke.

“George.” The aforementioned boy hummed. “Can I have a kiss too?”

Sapnap could feel the smaller boy’s smile against his neck as he answered with a thoughtful hum. “Hmm. No.”

Sapnap could only smile as he listened to Dreams offended sputtering and George’s giggling, thinking about just how lucky he was to have two incredible mates.

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