Happy Birthday 💙💚

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Dream was five when he met his best friend.

He remembers sitting in class playing with one of the other children when his teacher approached them.

He had asked if either of them wanted to make a new friend, and Dream had eagerly accepted.

The teacher had led him out to the hall where four people were standing.

The first three he noticed were adults.

One of them was taller than the other two. He was pale with fluffy brown hair. He had been dressed in a simple colour block hoodie. One thing that had stuck out to him was the colours that decorated the man's fingernails.

The second one that caught his attention was wearing a beanie. He was shorter than the first. He was pale but still darker than the other two men. The outfit he wore was a simple blue hoodie that was worn over a black shirt.

The third man was taller than the second but still shorter than the first. He wore a red flannel over a white shirt. His hair was short and a lighter shade of hair than the first man's, and his skin was paler than the seconds.

Dream remembers his gaze travelling down his legs before it landed on the small boy who was hiding behind the man's legs.

The boy was paler than all of his parents. He had dark brown hair with eyes of a similar colour. He wore a blue shirt and a pair of black cargo shorts.

The boy was clearly scared as he peered at him from behind the man's legs.

Dream doesn't remember much of the words the teacher had spoken.

What he does remember is dragging the boy-George his name was Goerge- into the class.

The day had been great. Dream had stayed by George's side the whole day, including when it was time to make bracelets.

The teacher had told them to make a bracelet for one of their friends or family members.

Dream and George decided to make them for one another.

They decided to use their favourite colours, which were blue, white, and green.

Dream vividly remembers watching George string yellow beads where green should have been a couple of times and opting to ignore it, not wanting to accidentally hurt his feelings.

They made the strings long enough that they would be able to grow into them.

Dream was five when he met his best friend. And he was twelve when he realized he had a crush on him.

It was on his twelfth birthday that he realized.

The day had been great.

His moms told him that he could invite as many people as he wanted, but he could only think of one person who he wanted there.

That person was George.

They invited George over the day before so he could spend the night.

Their night had been fun.

Dream's moms set up a small fire in their backyard and they, along with Dream's younger brother Tubbo and older brother Foolish, roasted marshmallows and made smores.

Later in the night, once the sun had fully gone down and the yard was pitch black besides the small amount of light coming from the fire, Foolish began to tell the boys scary stories.

All three of the younger boys had different reactions.

Tubbo, being the youngest and more gullible of the three, was genuinely terrified by the stories. Towards the end of the night, he nearly burst into tears, hiding his face in Niki's neck as he attempted to hide from the monsters that were supposedly hiding in the shadows of the yard. Puffy made the 16-year-old stop the stories after that.

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