A Great Cook

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Clark had noticed the presence of a new neighbour. He could hear the sound of the television and a slight hum of various melodies were often picked up by his ears.

It was good to listen to.

He had thought about meeting the guy sooner, but he never had the time to do so. He was too busy.

It has been two days. And his neighbour hadn't bothered to show up at his doorstep either.

But as if a weird coincidence, Clark was woken up from his deep slumber one night when he heard coughs and curses from the other flat.

He shouldn't have bothered, but him being a superhero and all, had to check in.

Clark got off his bed and wore some clothes as he rushed out of his front door. He went over to the other side and knocked at the door.

"Jesus!" He heard the voice from the other side of the door speak in between a few coughs. He rang his neighbour's door bell as he wondered if he really was okay.

In a few moments, the door clicked open and when it did, Clark was overcome with a wave of emotions-- Surprise, awe, amusement... --all at once.

He wondered if he really was standing infront of the famous Bruce Wayne.

Bruce was still trying to hold in a fit of coughs. He covered his mouth with the back of his hand and held on to the door knob with the other. His seemingly flawless face and pajama clothes were covered in a shade of slight grey.

It was explained by the enormous amount of smoke that filled the insides of the room.

"Y-you okay, sir?" Clark stuttered out, his eyebrows drawn together into a confused knot.

"Oh, yes... Um, actually, no" Bruce spoke into his hand with a slight giggle as he waved his hand infront of his face to avoid the smoke.

Clark watched Bruce for a slight moment in utter confusion. "Uh... Would you like me to help you with.. Uh.. The situation?"

Bruce scratched the back of his head and turned his head around to look inside his flat. He scrunged at the mess he'd caused and turned back to Clark. He shrugged at Clark, who was still watching him.

Clark heaved a sigh and Bruce stepped aside for Clark to get inside.

After a few minutes of trying, the duo finally managed to settle the smoke that filled the place.

Clark had, when he thought Bruce wasn't looking, sucked in a pretty amount of smoke and blown it out through the window, which made the job a lot easier.

"Thank you for your help, gentleman" Bruce said as he dramatically bowed before Clark.

If you asked Clark, he would say he thought Bruce looked a little drunk at the moment. He wasn't acting sober at all... Giggling at literally everything and for no apparent reason. That too, in the presence of a total stranger.

"Er... You're welcome. Can I ask what happened?" Clark asked, eyeing the fried out pieces of food in the kitchen.

"Oh, that. I was hungry and was trying to cook. The rest is history" Bruce chuckled to himself. "No one told me it is wrong to pour water into boiling oil" he pushed his lower lip out slightly.

"Uh-huh" Clark pursed his lips. "Well, guess I'll leave now. Please don't try to set anything on fire" Clark said sarcastically and walked to the front door.

When he glanced into the house after stepping out, he saw Bruce waving at him in a lazy manner. "Good night, stranger" he said from his spot in a soft voice, just low enough for Clark's ears to pick up.

Clark felt a slight smile tug at his lips as he closed the door and walked into his flat.

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