Taking Turns to Get Flustered

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Bruce sat in one corner of the restaurant -- one place that wouldn't draw all the attention on him.

He wasn't in his usual custom tailored suit, but wore a white polo and jacket, with black jeans.

He should've just ignored whatever that happened the last night. But however, he found himself longing to do what he was doing.

He had multiple reasons to justify his decision to ask his neighbor out for lunch.

One, he thinks, he thinks, he saw the guy blow out a mouthful of smoke out the window last night. No human should be able to do that unless he was smoking...

Maybe he was just hallucinating because liquor was flowing through his veins at the time.

But still, he had to confirm it.

And two, Bruce found the guy stunningly captivating. He looked too good to be a queasy journalist.

Bruce sensed a mysterious cloud around the guy. And he couldn't help his detective instincts from kicking in.

Also, it wouldn't hurt to spend a little quality time with a cute journalist like him. It would be fun.

Bruce sat there another few minutes fiddling with a pen he brought along with him, until Clark finally walked in.

Bruce straightened in his spot and waved at him with a smile.

Clark noticed him and walked over to where he was.

"Sorry, have you been waiting for long?" Clark asked, pulling out a chair and getting seated with an apologetic look on his face.

"Nah" Bruce spoke, completely switching to his playboy persona, his voice coming out as a low growl, causing Clark to fluster up a bit.

"So, Mr. Kent. About yesterday, I should have kept my incredible cooking skills under my sleeves. Must have saved a lots of trouble for you" Bruce said with a low chuckle and Clark chuckled as well.

"However, I'd like to thank you for helping me out"

"It's no big deal, really. And I prefer to be called Clark"

Clark was being his shy self. And Bruce had to start a conversation to try and make him speak more.

"Hm. So, you work at the Daily Planet?" Bruce asked with intrigued curiosity.

"Yes. I'm a reporter. It's a weary job, really. Tires me out so much" Clark shrugged.

"Ooh, you say so because you have no idea how it is like to be an enterpreneur" Bruce said, one of his hands waving in the air. "You get a throbbing headache every now and then for no apparent reason, you live with the fear of losing your stock and ah, people think that you live the best life anyone would ever have"

Bruce looked at Clark with pursed lips and saw him watch him with a face of mixed emotions-- confusion, surprise, amusement-- just like the way he did when he first saw him.

Now, it was Bruce's turn to get a little flustered. He had been babbling just now.

"Sorry" he muttered out, earning a chuckle from Clark.

Soon, they ordered food and was talking like they had known each other for years.

Clark told Bruce all about his home at Smallville and his Ma and Pa and the farm.

It was enough for Bruce to start investigation on him.

He was glad that Clark was too easy to get information out of, or so he thought.

Bruce, on the other hand, talked very little about his childhood. All that he talked about his family was Alfred.

He had always hated talking about his parents. It brought an uneasy feeling in heart that made him want to punch things or draw blood. He missed them, though he never admitted it.

An hour passed and they were still talking.

Until Clark checked the time.

"Oh, wait, lunch hour is over for us" his eyebrows drew together in a knot as he thought about how Perry was going to roar at him for not turning in the report he was supposed to turn in the last day.

"Guess I'll see you around then" Bruce nodded, silently bidding his friend farewell.

"Sure, I'm looking forward to it, Mr. Wayne" Clark said as he stood up and shook hands with Bruce.

"Oh, just call me Bruce, Clark Kent" Bruce said with a mischevious smirk gracing his lips whose meaning Clark couldn't quiet decipher.

He couldn't help the chill that ran down his body as his name effortlessly slipped through Bruce's lips.

He hated how he was being affected by someone who was technically a stranger who he just met.

But for the life of him, he couldn't help himself from falling head to toe for this certain stranger.

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