Chapter 5 - The Garden

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"Goodbye, Natalie." Natasha shivered at the sense of finality in Robin's statement. She watched Robin as she walked away. Something urgent stirred within her.

"I think I should walk her home. I'll see you later, Steve." Natasha said a quick goodbye and followed Robin out of the club. It looked like Rogers wasn't going to give her any useful information anyway. Espionage could wait another day.

Natasha exited the club and, scanning the streets quickly, she spotted Robin a little ways down the road. She had both her hands in her pockets, head slightly bent, walking a little too rapidly for the likes of East Meadow.

Natasha caught up to her easily, bumping Robin's elbow with her own to announce her presence. Robin stopped and turned her head. Annoyed, Robin looked ready to bark at the idiot who bumped into her on such a spacious street. Her angry face was replaced by mild surprise when she saw Natasha staring back at her with a loop-sided grin.

"Heading home?" Natasha asked, pointing towards the direction she was heading with her thumb.

"Yeah." Robin answered simply, trying to shake the frown off her face. The stone-cold facade she had on at the bar seemed to have dissipated. Now she just seemed... pensive.

Natasha hummed an acknowledgment and resumed walking. They walked side by side in silence for a moment. Robin kept stealing occasional glances at Natasha, but Natasha was looking straight ahead into the dimly lit street. She knew Robin was expecting an explanation of why she followed her out of the club. Or at least she should question Robin about why she left so suddenly. But Natasha was happy just strolling down the quiet night streets with Robin. She had neither questions nor answers.

Natasha gave herself several minutes to steady her thoughts, then she looked up to meet Robin's eyes. Robin raised a single eyebrow at her, but the hostility from earlier was completely gone. Instead, her eyes ere soft, reflecting the dim lights from the nearby street lamps. Natasha felt her breath catch. Suddenly, all words seemed lost. Still holding her gaze, Natasha shrugged and offered Robin a meek smile, hoping that'd be enough.

It seemed to have worked. Robin huffed a sigh of acceptance and walked on.

Neither of them said anything else for a block or two. Natasha didn't want to disturb this newfound peace and comfort between them. Soon, they turned away from the busy street and headed towards the more quiet neighborhood.

With nothing else better to do, Natasha started to make a game out of stepping on dry leaves found on the pavement. She set herself the goal of stomping on every single dry leaf she found lying in her way, filling their otherwise quiet walk with crunching noises.

Robin didn't seem to be paying attention to Natasha's childish little game. But Natasha noticed how Robin slowed down her pace in areas particularly leaf-filled, so that Natasha always had enough time to complete her self-assigned mission. It was also obvious that Robin had started to avoid stepping on any leaves in her path, just so Natasha could enjoy a full crunch when she stomped on it.

Natasha's game went on for a block or two. They turned another corner. With no forewarning whatsoever, Robin suddenly glanced over at Natasha with an evil smirk. Looking Natasha right in the eye, Robin stepped on an extra crunchy leaf. Natasha stared at Robin, her jaw dropping. "Asshole."

Robin turned more fully towards Natasha. She crossed her arms and sticked her chin up, apparently ready for whatever revenge Natasha would throw her way.

Natasha's eyes widened slightly at the turn of events, but she just pinched her nose and shook her head fondly. Why was she so adorable when she was being competitive? Maybe Natasha could let her win, just this once.

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