Take Caution

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The very next morning, Maleficent and Hades rode the ferry through the River Styx; they were going to speak with the Fates about Hades' vision the night before. Charon stayed silent as he rowed the boat down the river, Maleficent sat with her hands folded in her lap and her long sleeves covering her baby bump, and Hades stood at the front and kept a watchful eye.

"You didn't have to come with me, you know. It might not be safe." He commented, glancing back at her.

"I refuse to let you walk through this alone. We do this together." She replied, reaching out and taking his hand.

He happily smirked in response. They soon arrived at the steps leading up to Hades' palace. He helped hoist his wife out of the ferry and onto the dock, readying himself to catch her if she stumbled or fell. She leaned in closer and whispered into his ear,

"I am pregnant, not helpless."

Hand in hand, the couple then ascended the stairs and entered the throne room to see the Fates waiting for them; they were just about to cut another thread of life.

"Hold it good and tight, that's it." Atropos said before she finally made the snip.

A male scream could be heard from above and soon enough, the ghostly soul of a dead man flew into the throne room through a hole in the ceiling, whooshed past the evil couple, and made its way down another set of stairs where the soul counter above the door changed from 49,999,999 to 50,000,000. Hades rolled his eyes.

'There goes another one.' He thought before turning to the trio of crones; he cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Yes, Hades?" Clotho asked, sounding annoyed.

"You wanted to speak with us?" Lachesis added.

He was very reluctant, but Maleficent giving his hand a gentle squeeze was what he needed to press onward. The pair approached.

"Ladies. I'm sorry to summon you like this, but... my wife and I have something very important to discuss with you three." He started.

"Does it have something to do... with your unborn child?" Atropos asked.

Hades and Maleficent's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"...You already knew?" Maleficent asked.

"Of course we did! We see all, remember?" Lachesis said mockingly while Hades pinched the bridge of his nose; he knew there was no point in arguing with them anymore at this point. "You're worried about your child's well-being, and we understand."

"We also understand you had a vision the night before, right Hades?" Clotho asked.

"Yes." Hades answered. "In my dream... I saw her mother and my father. They said they wanted to take my..." He glanced at Maleficent. "I mean, our baby away from us. I have no idea what this could mean, but I wanna be on the safe side. I just have to know... is there a possibility that this vision could come to pass?"

Clotho was about to say something, but Atropos quickly stopped her. "Don't you remember what happened the last time we revealed the future for you?"

"Yes. It's forbidden for a reason. And we're not making THAT mistake again." Lachesis added, folding her arms.

Hades felt so desperate that he could've very well snatched the eyeball from the three hags so he could see for himself, but Maleficent quickly stopped him and stepped forward.

"Allow me, love." She turned back to the Fates with her eyes narrowed. "Ladies, I understand gazing into the future is forbidden, but PLEASE. Can you not make just one more exception? Hades and I just fear for our child's safety." She placed one hand on her abdomen.

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