A Princess is Born

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While the storm was raging on, Maleficent was in what was probably the second worst pain of her entire life; the worst being stabbed in the heart by Prince Phillip. But even though she was hurting, she was still thankful Hades was right at her side every step of the way. Four hours of intense agony passed and soon, Maleficent's pain finally ceased as the piercing cries of a newborn infant filled the room.

Carabosse heaved a sigh after a few moments. "It is done." She turned to the couple and smiled as she held a little bundle wrapped in a black blanket. "...Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl."

'Girl?' Hades thought.

The elder fairy walked over to Maleficent and carefully placed the bundle into her arms. She then gave a wink and quietly slunk her way out the door, leaving the couple alone with their child. Maleficent and Hades gazed down at the infant in disbelief. The baby had pale white skin and royal purple hair and when her eyes fluttered open, they were revealed to be a bright emerald green. Taking a seat on the bed next to his wife, he reached out and gently brushed the baby's cheek with his finger. The baby shifted slightly in her mother's arms and cooed at the touch.

"...She's so beautiful." He whispered in awe.

"Indeed she is." Maleficent whispered with a tired smile. "Do you want to hold her?"

"As if you even need to ask." He playfully scoffed.

"Mind her head."

Hades carefully took the infant into his arms and his eyes welled up with tears as he stared down at his baby daughter. He could hardly believe it; Hades was now a father to a beautiful little girl. The tender moment was suddenly cut short by Pain and Panic bursting into the room, followed by Kazi, Diablo, and Dementia. This made the baby start to fuss and Hades snarled at them; Maleficent quickly followed suit.

"Everything okay in here?" Kazi anxiously asked.

"Ooooh, is that the baby?!" Panic cried as he and Pain flew over to see the baby.

"Aww, what a cute little maggot!" Pain added, getting all up in the infant's face.

"Guys, shut up. You'll scare the kid." Dementia hissed, trying to get them to back off.

The baby was getting fussier and she tried to squirm away, but neither Pain nor Panic took the hint to leave her be. Before Hades or Maleficent could do anything to stop the slow-witted minions, the baby suddenly let out a sneeze and a plume of bright purple fire shot out at the pair of imps, setting them both ablaze. They yelled and shouted in distress and ran around in circles trying to put out the magical fire before zooming out the door. The couple's eyes widened and they stared at their daughter in shock; her purple hair glowed and flickered like the flame of a candle as she laughed at the minions' expense. The glow in her hair slowly dimmed as she calmed down.

"...I suppose that explains the glow." Maleficent commented with a chuckle; just born and her child was already causing trouble. She smiled and gently stroked her daughter's head, feeling a touch of warmth in her hair.

Diablo perched on the headrest of the bed and stared down at the baby girl, curiously cocking his head to the side.

"She's adorable." Dementia commented, keeping her distance.

"What are you two gonna name her?" Kazi asked.

"Right, she still needs a name." Hades said, furrowing his brow in thought.

Maleficent thought for a moment before an idea struck her. "How about... Lassidora?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"Lassidora. You did say you wanted our daughter's name to be unique, yes?"

"Hmm. Lassidora huh?" Hades' train of thought was suddenly interrupted by the baby's giggles; he smiled and chuckled. "I guess she likes it, and I do too. Lassidora it is." He wrapped an arm Maleficent's shoulder and pulled her close with their baby daughter in between them. "My little girl, my beautiful Lassidora."


"If you wake her one more time, so help me I will—" Maleficent said as she turned on the light to see Hades standing over the bassinet with baby Lassidora in his arms.

She was suddenly interrupted by the baby's crying, indicating that she was awake. She sighed in annoyance. It's only been a week since their daughter was born and this was the fourth time Hades snuck out of bed in the dead of night and woke her up just so he could hold her. This behavior was growing tiresome.

"Sorry, I'm sorry! I just can't help it." Hades said as he rocked the baby back and forth to calm her down. His wife joined him. "It's okay, Lassi. Shush. Who is daddy's little princess? You are, yeah you are." He then took out what looked like a pacifier, only it had a skill covered in spikes. He dangled it in front of his daughter.

"Are you sure that's safe for her?" The Mistress of Evil asked.

"Uh DUH! It's totally safe. She's MY kid, she can handle a few spikes." The Lord of the Dead replied as baby Lassi stopped crying. She took the toy from her father and giggled.

The evil fairy sighed and rolled her eyes. "Is this going to become a nightly routine with you?"

"Hey, I'm sorry. I just can't stop staring at her. I think she has me under some kind of spell."

"At this age?"

"Of course. She's a princess, AND don't forget she's practically a goddess already too."

"Yes, yes. But even a baby princess needs her sleep. Allow me." She took the baby away from her husband and while slowly rocking her, she began to sing.

"Let's go in the garden

You'll find something waiting

Right there where you left it lying upside down

When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded

The underside is lighter when you turn it around"

Lassi's giggling slowly stopped as she calmed down; her eyelids grew heavy at the sound of her mother's voice.

"Everything stays right where you left it

Everything stays

But it still changes

Ever so slightly, daily and nightly

In little ways, when everything stays"

After a moment, the baby finally fell back asleep in her mother's embrace. Maleficent gently placed the baby girl back into her bassinet before she and Hades each gave their daughter a kiss on the head. They climbed back into bed, shared a kiss, shut off the light, and drifted to sleep. Lassidora truly was an extraordinary little girl and she would grow up to have many adventures... but that is another story.

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