Chapter 3: Don't be a Beach!

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Andrew's POV

"But if you want to sit with us, you better don't annoy Chris or make Hazel uncomfortable," I warn Justin.

"What the fuck is uncomfortable? She's not freaking barbie. A little leg pull won't kill her."

"You don't know what is like to be on the receiving end," I try not to dwell too long on the ugly flashbacks, "Just remember where to draw the line."

"Ya whatever," he dismisses as we enter the cafeteria. I find Hazel and Chris sitting at our usual table. Like always, Chris being the zealous one. Full of gestures and rhetorical expressions while Hazel nodded and solemnly listened. If it weren't Chris she was around, even her minimal inputs would have been reduced to zero. As we made our way to them, I couldn't help but smile at these Nixon sisters. Their bipolarness somehow completes them.

Slumping on the chair across Hazel, "What's up dolls?" Justin sends me a smirk. That asshole. I see both Chris and Hazel's nose scrunch but Chris beats me to a reply. And a darn good one.

"You call us that again and I swear these dolls will play tennis with your balls. And mind you- I am great at smash."

"Easy there- no need to psych up." Justin says straightening, "And Bitsy doesn't mind my remark, do you?"

All our eyes shifted to Hazel, waiting for her to speak her mind for once. She looks around nervously.

"Tell him, Haze. Tell him you'll beat the shit out of him." Chris pushes.

Justin laughs receiving a death glare from Chris.

"I- uh I-" Hazel tries two/three times.

"See, told ya," Justin smirks.

"Damn it, Hazel! You gotta speak up to jerks like him." Chris grunts.

"Justin. Don't call me anything else but Justin."

"I was only speaking the truth. Anyway, she has a name too. Firstly, you don't address her at all, and if you ever have to, you'll call her Hazel and Hazel only. Better get this straight."

"Uhh!" Justin wails, being dramatic as always, "That's so much to remember. Bitsy works just fine."

"Oh, I forgot you were a dumbfu-"

"-Chris." I try to calm her. She was still fuming but at least she didn't banter any further. "What were you guys talking about earlier?"

When she didn't speak anything for a long minute, I turned to Hazel hoping her to help. She nodded.

"Chris was gushing about your date."

"Date!?" Justin looks at me and then at Chris- her cheeks were tainted a rosy shade. No that must not be it. She never blushes. "You went on a date with this bitc- ouch!"

I stomp on his feet. This one would be hard to cover. Chris was just seconds away from wrangling and whipping him down to the floor.

"C'mon Hazel, Chris never gushes," I say as Chris suddenly looks at me and then at Hazel. Justin completely forgotten.

"No Andrew, you should have heard her-"

"Zip it, Haze. Everyone knows I don't gush and that's not changing."

"A little poise won't hurt in your case."

"Shut up Justin." I couldn't help but glare this time. He's always been a douche, but he knows better than to mess up with Chris so much.

"Why are you even here? Your jock friends didn't want you around anymore now that the football season is over?" Chris retorts.

"This school needs fresh blood- prettier girls with lesser sass." Justin pauses long enough to irritate Chris before continuing, "Speaking of fresh, I heard a hot girl joined in."

"There weren't any new enrolments that I know of." I say, "If there is someone, I hope they blend in and don't get troubled."

"Oh, she'll gel up just fine." Hazel speaks surprising every one of us.

"You know her?" Chris demands to which Hazel simply smiles.

"We all do."

No, it couldn't be her. Just then I see the cafeteria door open.

"Darn, she's more than hot," Justin says as Grace enters.


"Hey guys." Grace says, sitting next to Hazel.

Justin nudges her. "Blondie, why don't you introduce us..."

"Uh..." Hazel starts, "Justin meet Grace. Grace, this is Justin Carson. And well you know the rest."

"You guys are all friends? Why was I not included?" Justin pouts.

"Ya... we go way back." I say. It's quite for a minute. I was about to elbow Justin for shamelessly ogling her, but Chris cuts me.

"Andy, what are you doing this Wednesday?"

"Well, the regular. School and work."

"Wednesday is a public holiday. Rosh Hashanah, I suppose."

"Oh." I say recollecting.

"Thursday too. Take a leave from work. Let's go to the beach."

"I am cool if it works for everyone. You guys all in?"

It takes me that one painful minute of awkward silence to register my mistake. Shit. She was asking me out.

"Everyone-ya." Chris says, back to her guarded self. And I messed up again.

"Am in. Grace, you are coming right?" Justin says.

"Uh..." Grace looks around, "Hazel and I had this thing."

"What thing?" Hazel and Justin ask in unison, making her flustered.

Grace does something weird with her eyes while saying, "Hazel! That thing."

"Oh yes yes. That project thing."

Justin, just as confused as me voices out my doubts, "Dude she just joined and has group projects already? C'mon blondie, aren't you the smart one. I expect better excuses."

When both do nothing but laugh awkwardly, Justin continues. "I'll even pick you all up. You guys do know I don't let just anyone enter my trunk."

"Ya, just like 90% of our school's female population and the entire football team have been in it." Chris mutters to which Justin glares. They'll start yet another banter!

"Chris doesn't take rides." I remind to which she smiles at me. Girls are random.

"She can walk herself alone then." Justin deadpans.

"Or else, let's do one thing," Grace suggests, "Chris and Andrew can go on her bike first and Hazel and I'll will finish our project till then. Later in the evening Justin, Hazel and I'll join. We can even camp there! Will that do?"

"Great idea." Justin flirts.

"Chris, shall we do that?" I ask. She doesn't say anything.

"C'mon, don't be a beach!" Justin shoots.

"Okay, whatever."


So we know all the main characters now... who's your pick?

Q: Will this date-cum-group hangout be a great bonding sesh or total drama?

Song recommendations

Love and Peace.

Stay Amazing,


Andrew, Don't Screw! EditingWhere stories live. Discover now