Chapter 10: Mr. Vaughn!

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Andrew's POV

I sit six rows behind my usual spot in History, the one class Hazel and I share without Chris. Now that I think of it, Hazel and I were more similar but without there's nothing to hold us together. Even we have turned into strangers. Limited to a small nod in the hallways. But I wonder what happened to Chris and her. I don't see them together either. If anyone, Chris only tags around with Justin. I wonder what's that about-

"Mr.Vaughn!" yells our History teacher, Mr.Morisson. And the glare on his face and worried looks on Hazel's face tells me it was not the first time.

"Ye-yes sir."

"It's time for break, the rest of you can leave."

And they do with minimum commotion-leaving me alone for Mr. Morisson's wrath.

"Where has your mind been in the past month. You have been very irregular in attending lectures and the ones you do bother to attend is as good as nothing since your mind is never here. All other teachers have the same complaint. Your performance has been miserable in the recent tests. Miserable. Planning to drop, are you?"

"No sir. I apologise."

You were never among the brightest batch but your hard work kept you going. If you lose that you'll lose everything. And this is the final extension. The assignment better get mailed to me this Friday or I'll fail you. Clear?"

I almost tremble, "I'll work hard again, sir."

"You better," warning he asks me to leave but adds, "You are not the first teen facing adolescence drama. Whatever it is, sort it out before it ruins your career."

I nod, rushing out but stop when I see Hazel waiting for me at the door.

"So, I am assuming you heard everything?"


We just stand there for a few awkward seconds, when I ask, "How have you been?"

"Okay. Well really, not good. None of us have been and things will only go back to normal when we talk to Chris. We both owe her an apology."

"I do, surly. But what do you have to say to her?

"Let's just say, I have been a really bad sister and said some terrible things."

"She can't lose us both, we have to meet her. But she doesn't even wants to see my face."

"Justin will convince her to meet us today. Let's go to the park and talk it out."

"Why will she ever listen to Justin? They are always at each other's throats."

"Things have changed since the-since that night. They are close now. Quite close."

I ignore the ugly sensation that bubbles in me when I hear that line: They are close now.

"Andrew, I'll understand if you are not ready to face her yet, but I think all this has been affecting you too much. You can't let it hamper your studies like that. You need closure."

"Why do you say closure? Chris is not gone away forever. We all be friends again." I say but not so confident anymore, "Right Hazel?"

"I don't know what will happen but I am sure it'll be better than where we are now. Let's go and meet her."

We walk out and start in the direction of the park when Hazel speaks up again. Her question takes me off guard so moments of silence pass before I speak.

"Do you love Grace? Have you always loved her?"

"She's just like her name: Grace- a favor. When it's dark she comes like a star and when rainy she's the rainbow. But that's the thing: they disappear like she always does. Stays long enough that your given up self starts to see hope again. Start to believe again. Start to live again. But that's about it... just when you start seeing the sun again, the rainbow and the stars all go away. And that is why I never got to explore my feelings for her but I think what I have could be deemed as love."

"You are goner. If she knew you had it this bad she sure as hell would have stayed. "

He presses his lips and gives a pained smile. Chuckles lightly and whispers, "If only it was that easy."


"She knew." Continued Andrew in the same low voice.

Hazel asked, "Knew what?"

"She knows everything. And that's the reason she went."

"What do you mean?"

"She knew I would choose her in a heartbeat. She didn't want to be the reason I stopped living for myself."

"But you are so happy with together" cuts Hazel.

"She's Grace. You need her, she's there. But the moment you start growing dependent on her, she leaves." He said with the same look he had when she left: adoration, and agony. "Too bad I turned an addict so quick."


Q: What Andrew did to Chris sucks but damn did he have it big for Grace- any idea why she leaves?

Love and Peace.

Stay Amazing,


Andrew, Don't Screw! EditingWhere stories live. Discover now