Chapter 15: Bitsy, What's Wrong?

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Justin's POV

"Come sit with us." Tina offers as we head towards the cafeteria.

"Hey, Justin!" Sherry walks to us. "Where have you been all weekend? You didn't even come to the party yesterday." She says adding a pout. That's some shiny lip gloss. Goes perfectly with her neon tank top-that'll be so easy to slide.

"Snack time." Fuck I said that aloud, but who am I kidding. I am not sorry. And the blush on Sherry's face tells me I don't need to be. "Let me make it up to you."

"Gross!" Tina exclaims, moving away but not before adding one last comment. "Haze asked us all to meet her urgently. She sounded a little upset-"

I drop the strand of Sherry's blonde hair I was flirting with and dart toward our table. Sherry shouts my name, I just walk faster.

"What's wrong Bitsy?" I say, dropping my bag next to the chair across her.

"Oh thank God you are here." Turning back to Grace she says, "Maybe he'll know something."

"Know what?" Tina chirps in.

"Andrew's missing."

"He's what?"

"We just saw him the today morning." Tina recalls, "He seemed okay. Everything was normal-wait. Justin, what did you do?"

"Way to drop all the blame on me, right? Why would I do anything!"

"You were constantly pulling his leg. You whispered something in his ear that made him furious enough to punch you. You still didn't tell me what happened. Blurt it out, Justin."

"Did you and Andrew have a fight?" ask Grace.

"It wasn't a fight. Just one punch-didn't even hurt."

"No, you don't understand. This is bad." Presses Hazel, she looks like she's about to have a panic attack. "Chris, please tell me you spoke to Andrew today."

"I didn't see him at all after that..."

"Oh Christ!"

"Bitsy," I kneel before her, making her sit on the chair in front of me, "You have to tell us what's wrong. We'll figure it out. Don't worry, just say everything."

She takes a deep breath before starting, "Andrew didn't come to school yesterday nor did he show up today."

"It's just two days. Who doesn't bunk in high school? He's finally living it." I offer.

"Guys there is something you need to know." Hazel announces, "He's not doing well in classes. I have been meaning to speak to him but I barely see him in the corridors and he wasn't picking up my calls. I hope he doesn't do anything wrong."

"Jeez, calm down. Let's not jump to conclusions here. He must have needed a small break. That's all."

"I thought that too, but then yesterday Chris called and asked me to check up on him so I couldn't let this matter go."

Grace and I turn to Tina. If she felt guilty, it did not show. All I could see on her face was a mask of worry and anguish. Andrew must have been a shitty boyfriend, but before everything, he was her childhood best friend. And friends don't just break up. Those bonds just can't be erased that quickly.

"Haze, don't stop. What happened then." Tina urged.

"I dropped in at his place before coming to school today. I thought we could talk on our way here, but he wasn't there. Instead, I saw Mrs. Vaughn on the porch, loading their car. She was crying while Mr. Vaughn consoled her. They both were wearing black. I knew something was wrong. I went there to speak to them. Andrew's grandma passed away the night before. They got the news while having dinner and Andrew went to his room. They thought he needed space, so they let him be but when they went over to check up on him in the morning he was gone only leaving a note saying,"

I have made some terrible mistakes and hurt people I love, I can't meet Nemo with this guilty conscience. Please understand and let me grieve my way.

Love you both

"Fuck! Andrew came to speak to me and I was such a dick. It must have been so hard for him. Nemo meant the world to him-fuck! I am so stupid."

"Christina, don't blame yourself you had no idea." Grace tries but it doesn't stop the tear from rolling down Tina's cheeks. Hazel envelopes her into a hug.

"When's the funeral?" she queries.

"Tomorrow early morning. They had to leave then but they requested me to let Andrew know he has to be in Ohio by tonight because it's not going to be an open casket. He left his phone on the dining table itself."

"Fuck. Haze you should have told me earlier."

"I am sorry, I thought Andrew will speak to you today and then leave after the break. But I got worried when I didn't see him at all, so I called you guys here immediately. And Chris, Mrs. V tried to call you but couldn't reach your cell so asked me to pass this letter to you."

Tina requested her to read it.

Hey Chris, I know something's amiss between you and my Andrew. So he might not tell you this, but he needs you. He needs his best friend. I hope you'll be able to put aside your differences and be able to be there for him in this difficult time.

The minute Haze stopped, Tina stood up.

"Grace, could you please book two tickets to Ohio."

"No flights available due to the bad weather. We'll have to take the car."

"Okay, so let's split up. Hazel go back to my place and see if Andrew is there, Grace you go back to his place. Justin, make sure your jeep has gas and fuel and then run an errand for me."

"Sure. But where are you going?"

"I think I know where Andrew might be. I hope he doesn't screws up!"


Christina's POV

"Is he there?" I ask, calling up Haze.

"No. And Grace said he isn't back at his place either. Where are you?"

"Our childhood hangout spot," I say staring at the cave ahead. "I'll go check for him."

"Text us."

I hang up and climb into the darkness.

"Andrew?" I say once, and hear it echo. Hearing no response, I go in deeper shouting a little louder, "Andrew?"

I keep increasing an octave as I explore-but to no wail. There's no sign of him. I come out quickly because I need to think straight. Where could you be Andrew?

I look back behind me. The cave wasn't huge but secluded enough that no one would bother Andrew. He used to come here and let out his emotions, away from all the bullies and drama. I never followed him in. Not because I wanted to give him space- if I could, I would go in, drag him out and make him face his bullies. But I was scared. Scared of the darkness. Whenever mom-dad were having a fight they would tuck me in and switch off the lights so that I stay asleep. As if I could ever sleep in the first place.

I hated it. The darkness. It made me feel lost and lonely and empty. I never admitted that to Andrew. He loved the darkness. He wanted to be lost, alone and empty his heart out. I think I understand that now. But back then I used to wait outside the cave and keep yelling his name. Wait till he finally came out. I would tell him, he shouldn't stay down here, instead climb up. Climb up the cave and the big hill-because he'll find light there. Wait is he up there?

It took years for my tiny hands to learn to reach there. But Andrew never climbed with me. Why would he go up there now. He doesn't like the light.

'Let me grieve in my way.' Maybe he wants to disappear in the darkness forever.



Q: Will Andrew fuck up bad? Where did he go?

Love and Peace.

Stay Amazing,


Andrew, Don't Screw! EditingWhere stories live. Discover now