Fase of anger

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*This occurs a few days after the previous chapter*

Argentina woke up a bit confused that day. A few days ago, Cuba called him at dawn, he seemed angry and just as confused as he was. They had agreed to spend the afternoon at his house, since the Argentine was a little worried about the Caribbean. "What will he want?" he thought to himself as he stretched and began to change. A short time ago he arrived from Qatar, after his victory against France in the final and the emotion of him receiving his third world cup and they already wanted him to be around helping other countries who knows why  they where suddenly  in the middle of an anger. Had he missed out on the World Cup so much? Nor is it that Cuba was so interested in soccer. He himself recognized that it was not his thing and that in baseball, or 'pelota' as he calls it, he would crush him. Cuba was not lying when he said that, in truth, he was very good at baseball.

Argentina arrived at the Cuban's house, where it seems that he was waiting for him, since he was leaning against the door frame, looking at all sides of the small garden that he had, with a somewhat somber look. Seeing him, his face brightened a little. He and Cuba were very good friends for a long time.

"Luckily it's you, I already thought that Venezuela was coming back for more."

"Venezuela? What does he have to do with-"

"Forget it, go in." Cuba said, while he grabbed his arm and made him enter the house and sit in an armchair in his living room. Argentina waited for the other country to settle in the chair in front of him before starting to speak.

"I don't know what's wrong, you called me the other night and you were hysterical."

"Yes, it's just... It's just that I'm going through a very strange moment."

Argentina did not know what to say. For a few minutes only the noises of the television were heard in the background. Both countries were immersed in their own thoughts. Cuba was the first to break the silence.

"Thanks for coming." He said in a tired voice "I didn't know who else to turn to." Argentina agreed, it was not the first time that Cuba came to him to help him or that he was the one who asked him for advice. The Argentine leaned further back in his chair. "So what's wrong with you?"

"What would happen if you realized one day that you were falling in love with...I'm going to set an example for you, United Kingdom?"

Argentina widened its eyes. Fall in love with the UK? He had never thought of something as absurd as that.

"I don't know, but that country is far away and we've never had, you know, good relations or anything like that. What do you mean?"

Cuba agreed. "But imagine that one day you realize that your heart beats faster every time you see the UK on TV or when it speaks in the Security Council. What would you do?"

Argentina thought for a moment and then sighed. "Well, I'd probably try contacting you to see if there's any chance of...you know."

Cuba nodded with satisfaction at Argentina's response. He had managed to convince him to help him after all. "Even if it's something I hope never happens, I'd give it a try." The South American continued. "It doesn't matter if the odds are slim or non-existent; you don't know until you take the first step. But be careful telling someone this if you don't want me to beat you up."

Cuba nodded quickly. "Yes, yes. Understood. But wouldn't it make you angry to think that, of all the people you fell in love with, it had to be him?"

"Hey, Cuba, where do you want to go? I really don't know what you mean with this thing about falling in love. Did you fall in love with the United Kingdom?"

"Ugh, of course not. I was giving you an example so that you would understand the situation better. But that doesn't answer my question"

"Well, it's true that the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom, and I hate him. But if I've managed to fall in love with him, there must be something good in him, right?"

"But don't you get it?! Cuba rose from his chair, inching closer to the Argentinian little by little. "It's UK! He took the Falklands from you, and he is one of your worst enemies! Would you really go with your instincts that easily?"

The Argentine stared at the Cuban. "I don't know," he said quietly. "But I think that when it comes to love, I have good taste, and look, I don't fall in love easily. In these kinds of moments, Cuba, it's better to guide you by the heart. And if in the end I realize that it's not worth the pity there is nothing better than grabbing a few beers and drinking until dawn, don't you think?"

Cuba agreed. Who knows if the Argentine was good in terms of love, but he didn't say things like that if he didn't go because he knew what he was talking about. He would not be carried away by only his emotions. Cuba thought that if he listened to his good friend, he would surely have a good chance to get ahead if he trusted his heart, something he didn't normally do.

"Well, I guess I'll try to do what you said, I trust you. Sorry to get a little angry, this is something new for me." Cuba said, while he returned to sit in his chair, now a little calmer.

"It's okay, that's what friends are for but... who did you fall in love with?"

"Ah...I thought you would get an idea but it's...USA" the Caribbean confessed embarrassed.

"From the gringo?! You surprise me more every day!"

"Don't you think it's weird?"

"Man, it's weird but it's your choice and I'm not going to force you to change it. Go for it, Cuba, and if he dares to hurt you, I'll break his ass!"

Cuba laughed, at least she could trust Argentina to tell him about any progress in his relationship with the US. The Caribbean sighed, had all this really started just because he wanted to take advantage of the American? Well, it seems that he was not as good at it as he was a few decades ago. Now what really mattered. How, when and where was he going to be honest with his feelings for him?

(First chapter of the year, wohoo!)

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