{ Chapter 2 }

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I open my eyes to hear the irritating sounds of knocking, I groaned as I pull myself up and walked towards the door even though I was still tired both mentally and physically. I tiredly unlocked and opened the door to see my Mother looking at me worriedly as she sighed in relief.

 "(Y/N), finally you're awake! I was worried" Mom said with a soft smile before continuing.

 "Let's go eat breakfast before the food gets cold, alright?" I nodded in response as she gestured me to follow her, we both entered the kitchen only to see my Dad out of sight which means he's off to work early today.

Both me and my Mother finally finished our food, I stood up ready to go back to my room before a hand grabbed my arm.

 "Nah uh! you are spending too much time isolating yourself!" Mom said scolding me as she firmly put both of her hands on my shoulders before coming in to eye contact with me while I just stood there with my neutral face only waiting for her to speak again.

 "(Y/N), i get it... it's hard to move on from what happened but you've been isolating yourself for almost a year! isn't it time to move on? your other friends have been waiting for you!" Mom said with a emphathetic face.

 I only look away from her and stared at the ground just waiting for her to stop guilt tripping me.

My Mother put on a serious face before pushing me out the front door "Either you like it or not i'm not letting you come back in until you actually socialise!" Mom yelled before slamming the door shut.

 I squinted my eyes not used to the bright sunlight since I was quite used to the darkness of my room, but like Mom said I'm not coming back until later.

 well that's what i assume so.

 'Might aswell find something to pass the time..

I began roaming around to find something to pass the time, only to see someone too familiar for me to forget.

 I could only stare at the person while having a feeling of deja vu before I also see them looking at me.

 Both me and him stare at each other with confusion before a huge grin crept on the person's face, before i saw them dashing towards me whilst I just stood there like a sitting duck in the open as I was met with a warm embrace.

I froze at the sudden embrace, mind going blank for a moment and flooding with so many memories, so much it was overwhelming.

 I pushed the person away on instinct.

 the person backed away, so did I but the only difference they were scratching their neck in embarassment.

 "Ah sorry.." The person started before opening their mouth to say something else.

 "It's just, it's been so long since you came out of your house.."

'Should i know this person...? ' I was deep in thought, I've always been a forgetful one but not that forgetful to not even know my own friends face, well I'm quite mentally unstable ever since the incident but... being Isolated for a long time doesn't mean my memories we're damaged.. we're they..?

 They look yet so familiar yet so foreign at the same time...

I look to see the person again which they only look back at me with a dissapointed smile.

Similar situations, different outcomes (Omori x reader)Where stories live. Discover now