{ Chapter 6 }

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The reminiscence of the past was normal today, no creatures lurking in the dark, no eerily feelings creeping up on my shoulder, me and my friends just hanged out, nothing special, It was honestly refreshing finally having a normal dream with me and my friends just having fun, I truly wish for it to continue that way

But of course every dream has an end so unfortunately I had to not only reset the world, I also had to shoot myself to actually wake up, I'm thankful I made sure I wouldn't feel the pain, I woke myself up to make sure I wasn't late for school, I rolled around in my bed trying to find a clock.

I had found one and it was exactly 5:30 am, school starts at 7 am, I had decent enough time to get ready.

I struggle to get out of bed but was successful in the end, I washed up, putted plain clothes and my backpack since this school doesn't seem to have a dress code for some odd reason.

I went down to smell fresh bacon, I looked around the kitchen to see Mom cooking breakfast with a gentle smile resting on her face.

"Good morning sweetheart! ready for your first day of school?" Mom asked, putting the breakfast on the dining table while humming in happiness.

I only shrugged in uncertainty, I really didn't know how to feel about this 'new beggining', especially about attending school again and having to interact with people my age.

"Mom, do I have to repeat a grade since well..." I didn't continue, feeling kinda ashamed.

"Don't worry (Y/N), I made you skip a grade so you can have a higher chance having friends your age!" Mom exclaimed with glee.

I went to the fridge to grab water, I opened the fridge only for something to caught my eye.

"Mom why are there cookies in the fridge for?" I questioned, sweat dropping in confusion.

"Oh! The neighbours dropped by, giving us some house warming gifts" Mom glanced at me with a cheery tone.

'Must be the girl I saw at the park '

I decided ignoring the delicious treat in the fridge in order to save it for later, I grabbed the jug of water and setting it down near the dining table.

I sat down and started eating breakfast.

I waited outside the house for the bus, just kicking stones I found near the sidewalk out of boredom.

I heard the wheels of a bus drawing near, making me look around for the source of noise.

After the bus stopped infront of me, I hopped in quickly, not delaying anytime.

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