{ Chapter 7 }

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Ever since that day, that boy Kel is always trying to hang out or start a conversation with me but thankfully either the teacher or one of the boy's friends stop him since they seen me uncomfortable with this overwhelming attention.

At first I thought it would only last a day or two but it's been lasting weeks ever since, when will he learn to give up..? yes i'm honestly kinda happy that someone's been trying this hard to be my friend.

But I'm just not ready..

I̵̡̛̱̗̞̮̯͑͂͌͌͋̎̔̔͝'̸̛͉̪̯̖̩͖̤̃̓̉̂̈̍͘ͅm̶̨̰͈̻̤͇̜̺͉̏̆̂ ̸̬̋ẩ̸̧͈̠͚͎̒͊̃͊̎͋́͂̉͆̃͘̚f̷̖̈́͠ͅr̴̢̧͓̝͈͓̠̥̝͈̱͇̓̉̅̍̊̎͝a̷̧͔̭̖̩̬̲̜̍i̷̮̜̟̗̻͈̣̭̲͍̩͚̟͆̀͜d̵̨̟͕̲̞͉̺̙̳̠̝̩̭̺̾̈́̇̈́̔̽̾̾̅̄͋̈͛͘͠ ̸̛͎̟̯̹̳͗͒͋̀̈́̇̽̇̽̈́̈̓͠t̴̢̖̮̰̭̦̗̰̠͚͗́̈́̀̊̈́̌̐͒̕̕o̷̡̪̤̣̙̱̹̤͈̒̀́̈́̄̿̊͠͝ ̶̲̈́̅̈́̅͊͌̉̈͆̏͠ḽ̸̬͍̄̂õ̴͓̩͚̝͕̯͚̟̣̓̔͗̄͑̓͛͗́̃̔̕ͅs̵̢̨̬͇̳̭̞͛̔̈́͋̆̒̑̆͝͠ë̶̛̥͇̺̘͙́̈́̄͒̈́̐̍̂̒̐͑͘͘͘ ̵̘̠͓̀̊͂͒͊͒̑̉̓͝m̸̧͑̊̈ó̸̺̪̤̱͕̮̠͊̀͗̅͋̓͆̚͝ȓ̴̨̢̯̹͕͋͊̿̍͜ͅę̴̧̡̛̜̲͔̝̠̙̹̍̿̆́̂̀̋̔̐̒͊̚͜͠ͅ ̶̧͎̺̺̫̠͛̈̓̊͘p̴̠̜͉̤̰̭̞̬̯̆̂̊̉̅̕ͅe̶̛̗̹̺̜̬̞̩̗̒̊́̒̀͌̈́͂̔͌̕ȏ̵̡̮̙͚̤̗̂̒̂̒͊̕͜p̴̡̛̲̻̣̬͔͚̜̓͌̀̔̈́̈́͝l̶̟̰̘̎̊͂̑͌̂̆̓̂̀̕͝͠e̷͍̥̿ ̸̢̨̱̭̞̪̹̝͂̋̈́̏͗͒͗͜Ḯ̴̢̦͖̳͍̺͈̝̅͋̏̋̒̽͐̋͛͌̈ ̵̡̢̭̼̮͔̳̹̩̤̳̯͍̅̽̄͐̆̏̌̽̔͑͆̚͘͜͠ͅc̴͔̬̻͇͍̜̥̦̣̯̪͆̋̊͒̊́̿͠ͅͅȁ̸̡̧͇͕̱͎̩̙̩͍̮̹̣̿̓̀̓͑̏̒̎̕͜͝ͅŕ̷̺̟̜̞̙̦̜̖̥̜̤̜͠ͅę̴̝̭̜̘͖̙̥́͛̓̽̾̽̆̀̾̈́͘͝ ̶̡̧̙̱̭͠ã̴̡͔͚̂̀̀͘͝b̸͇̯͕̠̜̩̗͇̻̳̥̬̫̄ơ̴̖͌̅͌̀́̋̏̍́͑̈́ǘ̸̧̪̼̙̠͕̦̹̼̦̭̦̱̩̋̆͒̏̓̾̔̾̉̃͊́͘͝ͅt̶̢͔̺̣͇̗̣̙̳̣̪̣̻̄̄̒͝

And here I was sitting up a tree, eating my lunch, the cafeteria has always been suffocating to me with all the eyes locked on to me the moment I step in either it be because of pure curiosity or whatever, I really didn't like it.

Eating my lunch, I stared at the sky, reminiscing about my dreams, it was just me and Viola hanging around the tree that we loved, drawing on our sketch pads and chatting the days away, I want it to be like that, a bitter smile was displayed on my face as I held my hand up to the sky as if reaching for something I know I can't obtain while closing my eyes.

A tired sigh left my mouth, putting my hand down, my ears perked up as I heard chattering beneath me, I didn't have anything better to do so why not check it out.

I crawled towards one of the tree edges to see what was going and oh behold it was the boy and his friends but instead of his bright grin, he wore a sad smile on his face as if trying to mask his emotions.

"I just don't know, why do they keep running away from me? I just wanna be friends with them..." A dissapointed sigh left his mouth as his posture slouched lazily.

A girl who I assumed was named Aubrey grimaced at him with a raised brow "Well maybe if you stopped chasing after them like a mad man! then they might stop running away!" She retorted, making Kel glare at her, scowling at the rude accusation.

"I don't always do that! I sometimes just try to talk to them but someone's always interupting!" Kel argued back, his face turning into an annoyed frown.

Similar situations, different outcomes (Omori x reader)Where stories live. Discover now