Chapter Three

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Step One

I watch Debbie as she walks in the door and sets down the groceries on the slightly damp counter. I see Ellie make her great escape to probably call Perrie but I honestly don't care.

Smirking I stand up-not forgetting the pictures- and creep towards the familiar blonde. "How's Little Perrie these days Momma D?"

She jumped about three feet in the air before turning around. Her eyes grew big and her mouth became slant. "Laura Grace", she slightly mumbled.

"That's me", I smiled the sweetest one I could come up with. "Sorry for the intrusion but I was in town and was wondering how you were doing and kinda felt like dropping some stuff off for you."

"I haven't seen you in what? Three and a half years?" She questioned still shocked by my presence.

Debbie motioned for me to wait a moment then started putting perishable items in the fridge. I agreed with her that it's been way to long as she finished putting the mild away.

We walked to the living room and she motioned for me to sit waiting patiently for me to continue. "Oh right! I brought some old pictures of us way back, I thought you'd want them!" I explained and handed her the yellow package.

"Oh dear, that was so sweet of you! I haven't seen you in forever. Last time I saw you, you and Pez were fighting and then she told me that you girlies weren't friends anymore."

I just stared at her thinking about what had happened.

*Three Years Ago*

I hear my phone ring and look down at it to see that it's Perrie and I smile because we haven't talk in a long time as she's been so busy with The Xfactor. "HEY PERRIE! I've missed you so much! How's the show? How are you and the girls? Are they nice to you? Have you met any boys?" I ask her all these questions desperately trying to make up for loss time.

"Well hey there girly" she laughs from all my questioning. "I'm actually on a little break right now so I wanted to talk." she suddenly got serious.

"Oh ok about what?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Um we've been fighting a lot and I don't think we should talk anymore..." she ends barely in a whisper and at first I thought I hadn't heard her correctly but I think I did. I just don't understand why.

I hung up the phone without saying another world and stare up at my ceiling hugging my pillow pet Perrie got me trying to hold back tears. Why would she say that? Is she guilty over what happened? Is it her new girl friends? Did I say something? Whatever it was, I was going to find out eventually.

I wipe my face and jump out of bed looking for my trash can and photos of us. I started collecting all of them while cursing her name. I mean she did just break up with me with hardly any sympathy and almost like she didn't care.

Taking the trash can I decided to walk down the street and dump them all in the river. I watched all of our memories float away until they were no longer insight.

I probably stood there for hours just trying to make sense of everything that's happened. I think what hurts the most is that she hasn't tried to contact me to say "just kidding" or "are you ok?" Obviously she couldn't give two shits. Probably already moved on. Well I haven't.

She's gonna get what she deserves and I'll make sure in the end she knows it was me. I'm gonna rip her life apart.

No more Perrie Edwards.

*present day*

"Yeah I guess both of us just got busy with life and lost contact. Really a shame." I look at deb and fake a smile. She must not know what Perrie had done to me.

Obviously I'm going to tell her but not yet.

AN// yay!!!! Now we know why Laura is a bit crazyyyy

Sorry I'm always so buzy that it gets so hard to write and when I do the chapters are so short 🙈.
I hope yall love this story

P.s. the pic is Laura! I absolutely love Nina to bad she left TVD

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