Chapter Six

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AN// why don't gifs work when I try to put them up here? It's so annoying 😪

Chapter Six.

After a dreadfully long conversation with Perrie, I left my flat only to bump into someone as I turned around almost making me fall over.

"Oh sorry miss!" He exclaimed grabbing my shoulders to help me balance. I nodded and slowly looked up. He was wearing brown boots and black ripped jeans, with a white shirt that was tucked into his jeans. When I reached his face I came across pink lips that were pressed together and brown eyes just below his arched eyebrows. Overall he was very attractive.

"You're so fine- I mean you're fine." I realized my mistake and he chuckled at it.

"Cute." he simple said but oh my gosh, My face heated up quite a lot.

"Um, well I best be going. It was nice meeting you..." I drawled out seeing as I didn't know his name nor did I.

"Oh, my names Matthew and you are?" He pulled out his hand for me to shake.

"Laura Grace." I said and reached for his hand to shake only for him to press them to his soft lips. And I didn't think I could blush any harder. I awkwardly looked away when he made eye contact with me before letting go. "Uh yeah, so I'm gonna go now." I clumsily made my way out of the situation and to the elevator in a daze.

"May I ask where you're going?" I jumped as I hadn't notice him walking with me.

"I'm just going somewhere to clear my head, that is all." I replied now thinking about the stupid blonde again. I was still debating with myself whether I should meet her or not. If I did then I wouldn't have to buy tickets which would save me a lot of money.

"Mind if I join, I need to clear my head too." I nodded and then the door opened and we stepped in.

We decided on coffee and a walk through the park. We chatted for what seemed like forever and I didn't mind it at all. He was great company and extremely charming and the best thing is that I didn't think about my past for one second.

The entire time he made me laugh with some of the cheesiest jokes. We ended up holding hands at some point making me blush like crazy.

Coming across some swings we walked over to them hand in hand. I sat in the swing and he let go of my hand to my disappointment and began swinging me.

"So, what's on your mind?" He questioned making me stiffen to which he noticed. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

Sighing I told him everything, from our childhood to the auditions to Perrie dumping me. Then I told him about her call this morning. Obviously I left out the revenge plan because I'm sure that would scare him off.

"Well I think you should meet up with her. Give her a chance and if she blows it then she blows it." I nodded soaking in his advise.

We head back to the flats and once we're on my floor I turn to say goodbye but then he walks out too. "I live on this floor." he simply said.

"Oh, me too. Well obviously cause we bumped into each other leaving my flat." I laugh awkwardly.

We continue to walk and when I reach my door I grab my key to unlock the door but Matt grabs my hand making me drop my keys. I gasp as he turns me around. I look up into his brown eyes and he slowly leans in.

Our lips touch for a second and I draw back in shock then lean back in. With closed eyes I link my hands around the back of his neck as the kiss gets deeper. I draw closer to him as much as I could suddenly not getting enough of him.

"Laura," he moaned when I ran my hand down his chest. He pulled away but pecked me one more time. "I'll see you sometime soon?" I nodded and watched as he unlocked the door right next to me making my jaw drop when he shuts it. Hot stuff has been living next to me this whole time.

I pick up my keys and shut the door behind me and squeal for awhile with a smile on my face.

I grab my phone and dialed someone to tell them what just happened but then freaked out when I realized who I called on instinct. I was about to hang up when they spoke.

"Laura, are you okay?" I heard her say.

"Sorry! I accidentally butt dialed you!" I lied quickly and laughed it off. She giggled on the other side at my mistake. I hung up after she says 'silly as ever'.

I can't believe I just called Perrie.

Pay For It// Perrie EdwardsWhere stories live. Discover now