The Big Easy When It Wasn't Big And Easy

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A man with a hood over his head was led up to a platform, a noose hanging from a tree branch. A spear jabbed into his back, pushing him up the steps.

The hood was yanked off to reveal Lycan, he blinked looking at his surroundings. The group of pilgrims around him, torches lit, the full moon high up offering light.

The Year 1693, Salem at the height of its witch hunt.

"John Procter!" The judge yelled, and Lycan turned to look at him, the noose already going around his neck, his hands bound,"You stand accused of witchcraft and dealing with the devil. We offer you one last chance of redemption. Free yourself of Satan's darkness and tell us who else has been cursed by witchery."

John Procter, the name he had chosen for the place he lived. Everyone believed him to have just been a farmer for the five years he lived there when in fact he was much more. Then his ex-lover decided to get vengeance by accusing him of witch craft along with a group of women that she assumed were his other lovers. Completely false and petty on her part, but there were a few real witches among them.

"I am innocent," Lycan said, not at all worried about what was going to happen,"Same with all the women you have locked in the cells."

"You continue to lie even in the face of death?"

"If I am innocent, I will survive. And my mortal form will be used as an instrument of justice against all you have bound unlawfully."

"The Devil can't bring back the dead."

"I don't serve the Devil," Lycan growled.

The judge raised his hand,"And those shall be your final words," He said, and when his hand lowered, the lever was pulled, the floor went out from under him and the rope went taunt, but there was no sound of a broken neck.

Lycan let himself dangle for a few moments, flexing the muscles in his neck to prevent it from breaking but it still stopped the blood from flowing to his brain and constricted his airway.

"Let his death be a warning to all who lies with the Devil!" The judge shouted.

Lycan smirked, and finally he ripped his hands free of their bounds then the noose.

People started to scream as the Original strode forward,"I warned you, judge."

"It's not possible," He said.

"Not probable," Lycan said, not shifting, not giving them the belief that he was a monster more than he already was.

Someone fired a crossbow, and Lycan caught the bolt before it hit him.

Lycan looked at Abigail Williams, the one responsible for all of this,"The true guilty one..."

Abigail started to retreat into a house and Lycan threw the bolt and it pinned her hand to the door, making her scream.

"Is right there," Lycan said, speeding away through the crowd to the jailhouse.

Grabbing the cellar doors he pulled them right off its hinges,"Accused witches," He called out, tearing the bars away,"I think it's time we get out of here, don't you?"

Lycan helped them into the forest, all of them running as fast as possible.

"Head north," Lycan told the leader of the group, Emilia Bennet,"There's unclaimed territories there."

"Come with us, John," She begged,"There's nothing for you here."

"I have to lead them another direction, Emilia. I'll be fine. You just need to keep heading north. Use your magic to keep the others safe."

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