Alphas Lead The Pack

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"It was late. Somebody just knocked on the door. I opened it and there he was. I...I tried to fight him but he was too strong. When I came to she was gone," Talia said, sniffing,"I need your help. Please."

Lycan looked at her with eyes that told her he knew exactly what she was going through,"Where does he live?"

"An apartment downtown. But you don't get it, he's an Alpha, with a Pack. You don't," Talia said.

"That won't matter," Lycan replied.

"There are at least twenty of them, he's one of the strongest Alphas in the world."

"Well, I've got something he doesn't."

"What's that?"

"A pissed off Mother on my side," Lycan said with a smirk.

"How's that gonna help?"

"Because there's one thing I've learned in my life. When something stands in the way between a mom and her kid, it better jump out of the way."

They loaded up into the jeep, and Lycan was flooring.

"What's his name?" Lycan asked, weaving around cars.


"Wow, he even sounds like an a-hole," Lycan said, whipping around a corner.

"He wasn't always," Talia replied.

"What are you going to do when we find him?" Lycan asked.

"What do you mean?"

"There's a line that I don't like to cross. I don't like killing people unless I have to. But I've had to many times in my life. Are you going to cross that line with him?"

"I-I don't know. He's just so different then what he used to be. He used to be so kind and sweet. We started dating our senior year, he told me what he was after a few months. But then his parents died and he became the Alpha of the family."

Lycan's brow furrowed, starting to grip the steering wheel tighter.

"Then he started to become someone else, he...he..." She looked down, unconsciously grabbing her thigh, Lycan marked the movement now knowing where she was bitten,"I didn't want this," She whispered.

"Neither did I," Lycan admitted,"I had a different transformation than you. I wasn't bitten, I was born...And the funny part is that I looked like some of my siblings, but we weren't blood completely."

"Your Mom cheated?"

"Yep," Lycan said,"My Dad wasn't very happy so he started hunting me. Me, and my older brother, the only other product of my mother's unfaithfulness."

"That's horrible, how old were you?"


Her brows furrowed, noticing how young he looked, how he barely looked her age,"How old are you now?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Lycan said, smirking.

"What? Like thirty?"

Lycan debated whether or not he should tell her. It would definitely make her see him differently, and he's seen it end up terribly before. But if she was going to trust him to save her daughter, he would have to be honest.

"I am a thousand years young," Lycan said.

"You're kidding right?"

Lycan sighed, nothing but complete sincerity.

"How is that even possible? You look so..."

"Young? Werewolves do age at a slower rate than humans do, but I'm the only immortal werewolf. And the Original of our kind."

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