Wolves Protect Their Own

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Lycan twisted a final screw, before slamming the hood shut. Grabbing a rag he wiped the grease from his hands, grabbing his ring he slipped it back on his right middle finger. Not a daylight ring, it served a different purpose.

The silver ring with a red gem was a gift for him that he had received on his eight hundredth and ninety fourth birthday

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The silver ring with a red gem was a gift for him that he had received on his eight hundredth and ninety fourth birthday.

Going around the car he put the keys in the ignition and twisted, earning a satisfying rumble.

Smiling, put his hands flat on the steering wheel,"Definitely won't be the prettiest one on the road," Lycan murmured to the Jeep,"But you'll definitely last the longest."

Eight months of his life went into rebuilding the Jeep he had found on the side of the road. Just a blink of an eye compared to the thousand years he had been alive, but still he was excited to finally finish it.

He planned on keeping it for a while, anything could last forever as long as you took care of it.

He lived alone on a piece of land, a trailer, his home, and now a new Jeep to pull it.

The porch light turned off, and getting out of the car he saw the generator had stopped as well. Out of gas.

"Alright, guess it's time for a test drive," Lycan said to himself, grabbing two empty gas cans and putting them in the back of the Jeep.

He made it to the gas station so that was a good sign that the car was working okay.

The building connected to the gas pumps he could hear people yelling from the inside without even using his hearing.

An amateur fighting club. People literally showed up, signed a waiver saying that they couldn't sue, then jumped in the ring with whoever was winning.

Ridiculous, painful, and crazy...He at least wanted to check it out.

After filling the tanks and topping off the Jeep, he parked outside the club and walking inside he was hit with the smell of a gym locker room, alcohol, and blood.

The inside looked like a Redneck den. People with long beards, camo, and pistols strapped to their hips. And the decoration was a bunch of animals hunted and stuffed.

Leaning against a wall, he saw what could only be described as a slaughter in the ring.

A big guy, maybe about two hundred pounds, being beaten to a pulp by a lady around twenty three years old.

She threw her knee into his stomach, driving her elbow into his head when he hunched over, then kicked him in the face. And he was down.

Walking over to her corner, Lycan was finally allowed to see her face. Wiping the blood from her nose, she took a sip of water.

Werewolf. A Lycanthrope. He knew it just by looking at her.

Running a hand through her hair, she stepped out of the cage. Taking all the money she won with her.

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