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"You know, I just happened to notice the book had nothing on Night Furies. Is there another book? Or a sequel? Maybe a little Night Fury pamphlet?" Hiccup asks Gobber who is at the top of the arena watching the teens. A Nader fires at Hiccup.
"WHOA!" Hiccup shouts in surprise.
"Focus, Hiccup! You're not even trying! Today is all about ATTACK! Nadders are quick and light on their feet! Your job is to be quicker and lighter!" Gobber shouts information to the teens who are running for their lives.
"AAAAAH! I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods!" Fishlegs screams while being shot at by the Nadder.
"Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one. Find it, hide in it, and strike!" Gobber shouts to everyone ignoring Fishlegs remark. The nadder catches the twins but they stay in its blind spot.
"Ugh! Do you ever bathe?"
"If you don't like it, then just get your own blind spot!"
"How about I give you one?!" The twins bicker back and fourth and the Nadder gets them out of its blind spot and fires at them knocking them to the ground.
"Blind spot, yes. Deaf spot? Not so much. Heh, heh, heh" Gobber laughs. Y/N can't help but think how crazy her dad might actually be.
"Hey, so how would one sneak up on a Night Fury?" Hiccup asks Gobber still on about this Night Fury.
"No one's ever met one and lived to tell the tale. NOW, GET IN THERE!" He snaps at Hiccup for not paying attention to lesson.
"I know, I know, but hypothetically--" Hiccup starts to say but gets interrupted by Astrid.
"Hiccup! Get down!" Astrid, Snotlout and Hiccup all hide behind a small wall. They roll so the dragon doesn't see them but Hiccup messes it up. The Nadder spots them and starts to go for them.
"Hiccup! Get down!" Snoutlout tosses hammer at Nadder, but misses. Astrid was not impressed.
"The sun was in my eyes, Astrid! What do you want me to do, block out the sun? I could do that, but I don't have time right now!" Astrid and Snoutlout start running so they don't get killed by the Nadder.
"They probably take the daytime off. You know, like a cat. Has anyone ever seen one napping?" Hiccup asks Gobber.
"HICCUP, let it go and start running for your life you twit!" Y/N shouts towards Hiccup but he doesn't listen. The walls start toppling as Astrid starts leaping from wall to wall, the Nadder behind her. Astrid jumps off the last collapsing wall, right onto Hiccup.
"Oooh! Love on the battlefield!"
"She could do better" Tuff and Ruff went back and forth. Y/N couldn't help but feel jealousy in her stomach.
"Just... let me... why don't you..." Hiccup couldn't form the words of his mouth. Astrid yanks the axe off Hiccup's shield and swings it at the Nadder. The Nadder walks of dazed from the hit to the head they just took.
"Well done, Astrid"
"Is this some kind of a joke to you?! Our parents' war is about to become ours! Figure out which side you're on" Astrid tells Hiccup while pointing her axe at him.

Y/N and Hiccup are at a entrance to the cove. Hiccup has a shield and fish while Y/N carries nothing. Hiccup approaches with a fish, leaving his shield behind as it got stuck. Y/N follows slowly behind him having the feeling they are being watched, not a great feeling. She finds a place to sit to watch Hiccup and make sure he doesn't get eaten. The Night Fury creeps out from behind rock. Sniffs at Hiccup and the fish, slowly approaches, then retreats upon seeing Hiccup's knife. Realizing the dragon feels threatened, Hiccup kicks his knife into water. The Night Fury relaxes and quickly acts friendly, and slowly takes the fish from Hiccup's hand, revealing a toothless mouth.
"Huh. Toothless. I could've sworn you had..." Hiccup starts talking to himself. Toothless' teeth suddenly pop out of his gums and he snatches the fish, chomping it in half.
"...teeth" Toothless approaches, sniffing Hiccup.
"Uh, uh, no, no, no. I-I don't have any more" Hiccup says scared that Toothless is going to eat him. Toothless regurgitates half of the fish, and proceeds to direct Hiccup through biting and swallowing it. Y/N holds back the puke that makes its way into her mouth. Toothless then tries to return Hiccup's smile. He then snarls and flies away when Hiccup reaches towards him. He ignites a small patch of dirt and sleeps on top of it. After some time, Toothless sleeps, hanging upside down like a bat, and wakes up to find Hiccup drawing Toothless in the sand with Y/N next to him trying to stay awake, Toothless then use a branch to 'draw' Hiccup in the dirt and becomes angry when Hiccup steps on his lines. Hiccup steps over the lines to finally reach Toothless. Hiccup offers his hand to Toothless while looking away, Toothless finally trusts Hiccup enough to touch his nose to Hiccup's hand. Toothless snorts and runs away. Y/N, standing on the rock, shouts out to Hiccup.
"How do I get out!?"

Hiccup and Y/N return to the Village and are on top of a watch tower eating with the other teens and her dad.
"...And with one twist, he took my hand, and swallowed it whole. And I saw the look on his face: I was delicious. He must have passed the word, because it wasn't a month before another one of them took my leg" Gobber is telling the group.
"You know, me being your daughter, you would think I've heard this story" Y/N mutters to herself. Gobber nudges his daughter with a smile on his face.
"Isn't it weird to think that your hand was inside a dragon? Like if your mind was still in control of it, you could have killed the dragon from the inside by... crushing his heart, or something" Fishlegs says. The group can't help but look at him weirdly.
"I swear, I'm so angry right now! I'll avenge your beautiful hand and your beautiful foot. I'll chop off the legs of every dragon I fight. With my face!" Snotlout says. Y/N and Astrid roll their eyes. Acting all tough but they know that if he comes anywhere close to that encounter, he'd be running for the hills.
"Un-unh. It's the wings and the tails you really want. If it can't fly, it can't get away. A downed dragon is a dead dragon. Alright. I'm off to bed. You should be, too. Tomorrow we get to the big boys. Slowly but surely making our way up to the Monstrous Nightmare. But who'll win the honor of killing it?" Gobber asks the group not realising that two teens have vanished.
"It's gonna be me. It's my destiny. See?" Tuff says to the teens.
"Your Mom let you get a tattoo?" Fishlegs gasps.
"It's not a tattoo. It's a birthmark" Tuff says like it's the most obvious thing on the Berk.
"Okay, I've been stuck with you since birth, and that was never there before" Ruff says to him. The group now don't know who to believe.
"Yes, it was. You've just never seen me from the left side until now" Tuff says to his sister. After hearing what Gobber said about how a dragon is unable to fly with injured tail or wings, Hiccup and Y/N head to the forge late at night, and make a new tail-fin for Toothless to replace the one the Night Fury lost.

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