The Red Death

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"Sound your positions. Stay within earshot"
"One length to your stern"
"On your starboard flank"
"Three widths to port"
"Ahead, at your bow"
"Haven't a clue"
"Listen... Stoick... I was overhearing some of the men just now and, well, some of them are wondering what it is we're up to here-- not me of course, I know you're always the man with the plan-- but some, not me, are wondering if there is in fact a plan at all, what it might be?" Gobber said trying to not sound scared but he obviously was. The difference between his daughter and himself. She can look at death in the eye while Gobber can't even look at a spider.
"Find the nest and take it" Stoick says determined that it will work.
"Ah. Of course. Send them running. The old Viking fallback. Nice and simple" Gobber said just trying to distract himself. Toothless starts to seem uncomfortable and tries to get out of his prison.
"Shhh. Step aside"
"Bear to port"

"If you're planning on getting eaten, I'd definitely go with the Gronckle" Fishlegs tells Hiccup. The teens were gathered in the arena, Y/N not being there.
"You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon. That's me"
"I love this plan!"
"I didn't..."
"You're crazy! I like that..."
"So? What is the plan?"

Y/N is running through the forest to get to the cove as quick as (y/p) can. (y/p) gets to the cove and she sees a sleeping Skrill.
"Elding!" He shoots his head up when he hears his best friend call his name. He gets up and runs over to Y/N.
"Wanna meet some new people?" He looks happy when (y/p) says that to him.
"Please don't eat them"

At the arena, Hiccup has released the Monstrous Nightmare. He gently guides it toward Snotlout, who is scared and grabs a knife.
"Wait! What are you--?!" Snotlout starts to freak out and that makes the dragon a little agitated.
"Relax. It's okay... it's okay" Hiccup tells him and also the dragon. Snotlout bonds with the Nightmare. Hiccup walks away and Snotlout starts to panic again.
"Where are you going?!"
"You're going to need something to help you hold on" Hiccup tells them. The teens glance at the three other dragons, all out of their cages. The teens hear a whistle from the sky and they look up to see Y/N on a Skrill. (y/p) lands and jumps of while everyone else looks at (y/p) shocked.
"So, when we leaving?"

"When we crack this mountain open, all hell is going to break loose"
"In my undies. Good thing I brought extras" Gobber says trying to lighten the mood.
"No matter how this ends, it ends today" Stoick says determined. Catapults break a hole into the side of the mountain, and a flaming ball of straw reveals thousands of dragons inside. Stoick charges in screaming loudly, and all the dragons flee in terror, not a single one attacking.
"Is that it?" Gobber asks confused.
"We've done it!" Spitelout shouts. A loud roar is heard and the mountain starts to crack.
"This isn't over. Form your ranks! Hold together!"
"Beard of Thor... what is that?" Gobber asks gob smacked. The Red Death, a dragon more that five times the size of the Vikings' ships, breaks out of the mountain, roaring furiously.
"Odin, help us. Catapults!"
"Get to the ships!" A Viking shouts.
"No! NO!" Stoick shouts. The red death fires at the ships burning them. The Vikings jump out into the water. Toothless was surrounded by fire trying to get out as quick as possible.
"Heh. Smart, that one"
"I was a fool. Lead the men to the far side of the island" Stoick says to Spitelout.
"Right. Everybody to the far side of the island!"
"Gobber, go with the men"
"I think I'll stay, just in case you're thinking of doing something crazy" Gobber says not leaving his best friend.
"I can buy them a few minutes if I give that thing someone to hunt" Stoick says to him. Stoick is clearly annoyed with the fact he's lead his tribe into a death trap. Stoick and Gobber lock hands as if saying "we do it together". They start shouting at the massive dragon hoping to get the attention onto them and off the other Vikings
"HERE!" Stoick shouts at the dragon. Gobber makes it into a game. Well, a competition.
"Oh no, HERE? Come on! Bite me!" Gobber shouts to the dragon.
"No, me!" Stoick shouts. The two Vikings see an explosion behind the dragons head. They look confused and see the group on teens riding dragons. Gobber cannot believe his (daughter/son/child) is riding a dragon. A Skrill for the matter of fact.
"Ruff, Tuff, watch your backs! Move, Fishlegs!"Hiccup shouts. Hiccup is on the back of Elding with Y/N.
"LOOK AT US! WE'RE ON A DRAGON! WE'RE ON DRAGONS! ALL OF US!" Tuffnut shouts out to everyone who can hear him. And that's everyone.
"Up, let's move it!" Hiccup shouts to the teens.

"Every bit the boar-headed, stubborn Viking you ever were!" Gobber shouts to Stoick. Stoick just nods his head in pure shock.

"Fishlegs, break it down!" Hiccup shouts to Fishlegs. No one else had a clue on what this dragon was or what it could be.
"Okay! Heavily armoured skull and tail made for bashing and crushing! Steer clear of both! Small eyes, large nostrils! Relies on hearing and smell!" Fishlegs tells the group. He was just basing it of what he could see about this dragon because he actually had no clue on what this thing is because it isn't in the book of dragons.
"Okay! Lout, Legs, hang in its blind spot! Make some noise, keep it confused! Ruff, Tuff, find out if it has a shot limit! Make it mad! Astrid you make sure no one on the ground gets to close." Hiccup tells everyone on what to do. Everyone is happy on what they have to do. Ruff and Tuff are very happy on what they have to do.
"That's my specialty!"
"Since when?! Everyone knows I'm more irritating! See?!" Tuff says and turns Belch upside down.
"Just do what I told you! I'll be back as soon as I can!" Hiccup says and Hiccup and Y/N fly towards the ships to look for Toothless hoping he isn't hurt, or worse.
"Don't worry, we got it covered!" Snotlout shouts to him.
"Yeah!" Fishlegs shouts as well agreeing with Snotlout.

"Bride of Grendel!"
"Uh, this thing hasn't got a blind spot!" Fishlegs shouts. Him and Snotlout are banging their shields and it's affecting their own dragons more than the Red Death.

"There!" Hiccup shouts pointing to Toothless who is desperately trying to get out of his chains. Y/N drops Hiccup down on the burning boat and was going to wait for him but Hiccup tells her otherwise.
"Go help the others!" Hiccup shouts to (y/p). Y/N looks at him like he's crazy.
"I'm not leaving you!" Y/N shouts down to him.
"I'll be fine, trust me!" Hiccup tells (y/p). Y/N goes and helps the others even though she really doesn't want to.
"Okay, hold on. Hold on" Hiccup tells Toothless and tugs at everything he can to try and get his best friend out.

"It's working!" Snotlout shouts in amazement.
"Yeah! It's working!" Fishlegs shouts. Their two dragons go all dizzy from all the banging the two riders are doing on their shields. Hookfang flings Snotlout onto the Red Death and Meatlug falls onto the ground.
"I'm okay!" Fishlegs shouts.
"Less okay!" Meatlug falls onto her back and Fishlegs is underneath her face down into the gravel.
"I can't miss! What's wrong buddy? Got something in your eye?" Snotlout shouts to the dragon and is whacking her in the eye with a hammer like thing.
"Yeah you're the Viking!" Astrid shouts at Snotlout. Snotlout looks all mesmerised with the fact that Astrid talked to him without shouting something rude to him or making a snarky comment. Snotlout gets thrown by the Red Death and is holding onto it for dear life trying not get killed by falling of it.

Toothless and Hiccup are still on the boat and Hiccup is trying to get Toothless free. The Red Death steps on the boat and the boat goes under. Hiccup didn't have time breathe in and passes out quite quickly while under water. Toothless is worried for him but gets even more worried when Hiccup is suddenly dragged out of the water. The person puts Hiccup onto the land and dives back into the water. Hiccup coughs and wakes up just in time to see who saved him.

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