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She didn't know what time it was.

The warmth and comfort emanating from the soft weight of the bedclothes made it very hard to care. Chin tucked under the sheet, Stella stayed in that slumber with her eyes closed, only the twittering of the birds outside keeping her company. Bruno barked in the distance, probably rowing with one of the neighbouring cats again.

Everything was still nebulous and each step unsteady when she padded over to the ensuite bathroom, more out of necessity than will.

She brushed her teeth and wiped her mouth with the towel, and leaned towards the mirror. Inspecting her forehead, she half expected to find another pimple or two, after all the chocolate that she'd been consuming.

Her lips were puffy from sleep.

She tossed her long locks to one side and fluffed her hair up a little.

With her hands on the edge of the sink, Stella rotated her upper body to one side and then the other, following her reflection in the mirror. She lifted her top a bit, until it showed her abs.

Her eyes roamed below, down to her stomach and her navel, to the baby blue cotton knickers. She stuck her arse out, in a more provocative pose. The matching white top was thin, verging on see through, and she could spot the darker shadows from where her nipples pushed upward under the fabric. Cupping her own breasts absentmindedly, she fondled herself; let her fingertips roll over her nipples almost of their own accord. Her libido had been insane the past week. The mind drifted, heat gathered below; a familiar tingling grew.

Stella was so used to the inevitable pang of frustration, of having to count with herself only and maybe an accessory or two for some relief, that it took a moment to register that this time she wasn't on her own.

Walking out of the ensuite, she ventured downstairs. Sunlight entered through the kitchen windows above the sink. It was cosy and everything was spotless.

"Morning," Sebastian said, raising his eyes from his phone screen, from where he sat at the kitchen island. The warm smile he greeted her with hit like velvety hot cocoa.

She realised her mouth had parted to speak but nothing came out. He looked so good in those comfy grey sweatpants and navy t-shirt... Her jaw slackened as she openly admired his body, head tipped against the foyer wall with her thighs squeezed together. He returned the appraisal, gaze running over her figure, and that alone was making her pulse quicken.

Leaving his half empty porridge bowl and morning tea behind, Sebastian slid down from the stool, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

"What is it?" He asked softly.

But Stella was too taken by the way his t-shirt stretched across his chest and the sweatpants clung to his thighs. His hair framed his face beautifully, the longer strands curling delicately at the nape of his neck and around his ears.

He drew closer and she was enveloped by his fresh scent when he took her by the waist and gently pressed her back against the wall. The tip of his pink tongue came out to moisten the most luscious pair of lips a man could own, as he pinned her on the spot with a piercing gaze. He caressed her hair and tucked a lock behind her ear. There was nothing Stella could do, waiting with bated breath. The temperature in the foyer shot up when he closed the gap between them.

He kissed her.

Gentle but firm, he opened her mouth and tipped her head back and suddenly oxygen was sucked out of the space and the air turned thicker with humidity. She felt lightheaded, her knees trembling with the buzz coursing through her body.

Intimate Conversations [Sebastian Vettel feat. Jenson Button]Where stories live. Discover now