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A/N: Dinner time... What will be on the menu...?

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 They arrived at Jenson's luxury condominium at 7pm sharp.

The taxi had dropped them at the main entrance that would, according to their host, give access to a large interior garden and several blocks of flats. From there, they would find Jenson's and take the lift to his place.

Sebastian was staring at the gate, jaw set. He looked as dapper as one could expect from him for a night out, in a forest green button down shirt. He'd been very chatty after the race. The result was decent so he was in a good mood, but gradually turned quieter as the afternoon passed.

She took his hand and interlaced their fingers. "Are you nervous?"

"Yeah. A bit."

"It's normal. But you're sure about this, right?"

A shrug and a pout. "I don't know what to expect. But I've been thinking about this all week and I think I'd be disappointed if nothing happened."

"It's just that this is a little different from what we discussed at first."

They'd gone over it, yes, but Stella wanted to be reassured. Surprisingly, Sebastian had admitted that not knowing Jenson's wife very well was slightly more daunting than not having her around. In a way, perhaps it took some pressure off even though it limited their options for sex.

His blue eyes ran down her body. The patterned dress in warm colours with a sultry crisscross halter neck hugged her upper body, the flimsy fabric falling just below her thighs. "You look amazing," he bit his lower lip. "I'll get off watching you having fun. That's the biggest turn on for me, making you happy. Go with what you feel you want to do. I love you and I trust you."

She would never get over the way he told her those things, straight in the eye, only driving home further how she had to be the most fortunate woman in the world.

"I love you, too." She cradled the side of his face tenderly and he tilted his head down for a chaste kiss. "We'll look out for each other. This is only fun for me if it is for you. If you're not enjoying it, we stop, alright?"

Sebastian took her face between his hands, her hair pressed down on her cheeks, and gave her a tight-lipped smile, all shiny eyes. "And now it's time to go and have fun."

Jenson Button was a ridiculously handsome man, there was no other way to put it, in Stella's opinion.

Quintessential British didn't always work on her, she was too accustomed to the type to be truly impressed, but it worked for Jenson. The combination of the tight fit of his white trousers and elegant cut of a pink dressy shirt tucked inside; the masculine, rugged stubble and the woody, aromatic fragrance he wore. The charming smile. All of it seemed effortless and it was pointless to deny how attracted she was to him. The perfect gentleman, he complimented Stella on her looks, without overstepping normal standards of politeness, and greeted Sebastian with enthusiasm.

The waterfront penthouse, too, exuded sophistication, featuring a modern minimalist decor in good taste. The terrace was large enough to accommodate a dining table for a good number of guests, the inviting lounge decorated with several candle holders and cushions. Twilight made everything that much more glamorous.

The motorsport memorabilia displayed throughout the house had Sebastian pointing and asking questions like a hyperactive child and the two drivers nerded over trophies and pieces of cars. Stella on the other hand was more fascinated by the architecture, such as the glass panel structure the interior stairs were made of, without walls or handrail at the top.

Intimate Conversations [Sebastian Vettel feat. Jenson Button]Where stories live. Discover now