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AN: Our pair continues plotting (yes, they talk a lot, sorry..!). 

Monaco GP Fridays are now the same as in other races, but I like traditions so I kept the old ways ;) If you are a nerd like me, you may also have noticed that I also decided that there wasn't just a week between Barcelona and Monaco last season.

Monaco Grand Prix - the crown jewel of Formula 1.

They drove to Monte Carlo joined by Britta, Antti and Norbert Vettel, splitting driving duties until they reached their destination.

Stella wasn't planning to spend the whole week at the paddock, as past experiences had shown it was inevitable to end up on her own, bored, for far too long. Still, it was always fascinating to have a look behind the scenes of the Formula 1 circus and witness first hand the colossal work and dedication everyone put in. The first day was usually the calmest, before the storm, and the one when she was the least likely to cause disruptions, so she was happy to turn up and say hi, especially to the guys in the garage. Car five crew was indeed a great bunch of people, with top notch banter.

This time she also had Sebastian's father keeping her company. He was quick-witted and entertaining, she loved hanging out with him. The Vettels were truly a wholesome, tight-knit family and whenever she recalled how nervous she had been before they were introduced, in hindsight it was easy to realise she didn't have to worry because they would always have welcomed her. It was who they were.

Later at night, Vettel camp had dinner at the hotel, together with a few team members; conversation revolved mostly around car set-up and the options available with the B version, as well as commitments for the upcoming days. There was plenty of work ahead in order to regain competitiveness but Sebastian had always liked the track and the prospects for the weekend were hopeful, with the weather set to play a key role.

They headed for their room early in the evening and simply cuddled on the sofa watching TV. She fell asleep with his arm around her, wishing with all her heart that it could be like that forever.


"Are you awake?"

The longing in Sebastian's voice would be palpable even without the erection prodding her from behind, through their clothing.

"Now I am," Stella grunted.

"Okay, then I wait."

"You have two functional hands."

"Well, but my hands are small."

"Don't flatter yourself."


Rolling in bed, she turned around for a hug, genuine regret at the jibe from the moment it was out. Sebastian accepted the affectionate peace offer with open arms and lay on his back, letting Stella nestle against him with her head on the nook of his neck and a hand on his chest. Breathing in his scent, she couldn't help but smile at the way his fingertips gently caressed her arm. He probably had to get up soon and she wanted to sit with him for breakfast before he left for the track.

"I followed your advice."

Stella blinked, brain addled with sleep, and Sebastian cleared his throat before continuing.

"I read a bit about it. You know."


That woke her up. When and how he managed to find the time to educate himself on swinging, she had no idea. Considering how difficult it was to predict when they would next cross paths with Jenson after the coming weekend, that might mean he was in fact serious about it...

Intimate Conversations [Sebastian Vettel feat. Jenson Button]Where stories live. Discover now