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Author's note: This took a bit longer than I expected but here we are, I never leave a story unfinished! Hope you enjoyed this and had fun with our guest star. Not as much as they did, I would say ;-)

Until next time xx

"Looks like you could use a hand to take care of that, Seb."

There was no way Stella had heard that.

It had to be the foggy lust haze blurring sounds in her ears. But Jenson was most certainly shifting closer to Sebastian and reaching out, slowly enough that they could tell exactly what he was about to do.

Sebastian had frozen on his tracks, half sitting with a leg tucked under him, fleshy inner thigh fully laid out.

He made no move to stop Jenson.

Hyperaware, Stella followed how lube slicked fingers wrapped around her boyfriend's cock and slid along the shaft. Sebastian, too, watched, eyes wide like saucers, as the head appeared and disappeared from the inside of his closed fist. Jenson's fingers brushed under his balls and Sebastian inhaled sharply. His body stirred, of course, reacting to the stimulus.

"Is it alright like this?" Jenson whispered.

Stella was holding her breath. Sebastian lifted his chin, blinking in that slow manner of his. "I-I don't know what to tell you, man."

"Do you want me to stop?" And he followed that by thumbing the slit with particular care.

Sebastian's mouth formed a perfect "o", filled with pleasure. "Yes," he swallowed. "No. I-I don't know." At his side, the sheet was bunched up in his fist and he squirmed a little on the spot, as if he didn't know what to do with his legs. Jenson was grinning. "Maybe keep going. Keep going... you're not so bad at it," he added.

"Naturally talented is what they call it, mate," he teased. His grip seemed firmer, as he flicked his wrist, and the skin on skin sounds hit louder than they perhaps normally would. It was deliciously tantalising and Stella didn't trust herself to even wonder where that might lead. "Tell me how you like it, c'mon."

"I didn't expect I'd be needing to explain that to you," he breathed. He was nibbling on his bottom lip now.

Jenson released him - Sebastian's brow furrowing with clear disappointment - and his seductive eyes darted meaningfully to his own lap. "What if I told you I'd love it if you showed me?"

The two men were close enough that Jenson was within reach from his right hand. It was a challenge.

One that Sebastian would not turn down.

Sure enough, a few expectant moments later the German slowly made a move. It was such a striking image, seeing him stroking another man's cock. His hand seemed smaller, there was a degree of uncertainty, it was all so very different compared to how it went when he touched himself.

Tip of his tongue sticking out, Sebastian tilted his head to the side as he got accustomed to the sensation of pleasuring someone else that way, gradually displaying more confidence.

Stretching out their legs to sit more comfortably, they applied some lube at Jenson's suggestion before carrying on in a mutual exchange. Stella was gifted with a front row view to it all.

"You're telling me you've never done this, Seb?" Jenson sounded slightly breathless.

The reply came as a simple shake of head, Sebastian mouthing "no".

Intimate Conversations [Sebastian Vettel feat. Jenson Button]Where stories live. Discover now