11 || New normal

28 1 0

Song: SZA - Low



The sound of the rusling city beyond the glass coverd walls, the chatter I hear from below the room, the somewhat beautiful sunlight shinning throught the glass blurring my vision.

My light brown irises blinking in distress.

The bliss coming from just waking up fading, after taking the time to click back into reality. Everything crashing back down. And here I find myself turning and rusling in the sheets to only find no comfort, in these jeans and somewhat of a shirt.

Replaying everything Lorenzo said last night, constantly replaying in my mind like I'm stuck in a endless loop. Trying to escape, yet stuck finding none.

Checking the dark clock atop the bed I read that it's only ten twenty-three so I decide to go back to sleep yet at least try.

It's better this way, I say trying to convince myself. Of what? I don't have a clue.

Thoughts running through my mind I think of the closest thing I'm able to call home. Then finally after what felt like a hour, dozing of into sleep the sheets suddenly feeling comfortable.

My body feeling heavy as I just relax and let sleep take me.
I'd far prefer that then Lorenzo. Ug I really freaking hate him.
And I barley even know him, not at all.

And just then just in that moment when my eyelids starting closing my head feeling heavy, and my breath evening out, everything stops.

Until a extremely loud bang at the door has my body jolting up, my back straight, and now sadly I'm awake. I think of opening the door for the stranger, but at this point I'm just enraged, because I know I'm not gonna be able to fall back asleep.

But most importantly that would be rude if I didn't allow the person to enter. So lifting my hand I take the time to wipe the sleep away from my eyes and just before I could even say come in the door is bursting wide open with a loud bang.

I see a woman at the door way dressed in what appears to be a maids uniform. She so rudely enters not even having the decency to wait for a response. She begins walking further into the overly bright room until she stops right at the end of the bed.

I blink up at her in complete shock trying to hide the little bit of anger I'm beginning to feel, yet I push it to the side and put my focuse on the hysterical woman- well young lady.

She looked approximately my age maybe just 5 years younger- around 18, Her pretty light green eyes blink back up to me as if she's trying to take me in, her brows drawing together in confusion. Yet I can tell she decides to let it go for now as I watch the movement her shoulders slumping back.

She's pretty. Really pretty

The bright light entering the room hitting her skin casting a glow as her long brown hair shines reaching her lower back. Her body sculpted like a literal goddess.

"Who are you" I turn to her, taken a little aback by the way she spits her question. Maybe she's just having a bad day.

I open my mouth ready to answer her with Ali until I stop myself closing my mouth shut. Lorenzo already knows who I am so she probably does too right?

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