4 || The offer

53 1 0


Song: Karma- Summer walker

"Hello gorgeous"

I immediately still, a shiver of fear travels throught my body at the darkest in which he calls out to me. My body freezing. His voice is deep and raspy as if he's been smoking to much.

Their's no love, remorse, compassion, or a inch of kindness in his dark hollow voice. It's lifeless

I don't dare look up at him, in fear of the unknown.

The fear that I don't know what would happen if I do.

Yet that seems to be the wrong thing to do because the next thing I know he brings his cigar to his lips as he irritation gets out of his seat, walking towards me.

I'm so out of it that my mind doesn't even calculate when he's right infront of me until it's to late. His large tattooed hands hastily comes out of the pockets of his slacks as he firmly grips my chin, tilting my head up. Forcing me to face the darkness.

His touch is not soft Knorr delicate, His touch is hard and ruff as though it's like he's already sick of me. Yet I don't dare move an inch or dare look the stranger in the eyes as more memories feel my brain at the last time a man touched me.

Yet I'm snapped out of my gaze as he yankes my chin up towards him frustration clear as day on his broad features. The movement forces me to look him in the eyes as my body just freezes all over again.

He seems to realize this as the corners of his lips thug into a dark smirk, he seems almost satisfied with my response to him.

He's beautiful, without a doubt the hottest man I have ever laid eyes on. Yet as I stare into his beautiful dark blue eyes all I see is lifeless pain, hurt, darkness and the want to inflict that same pain onto other's.

I wince in pain as the grip on my face tightens, that earns another satisfied grin from the man.

He stares as me in awe, taking his time to scan my face and all my features, as he stares deep into my eyes like he's searching for something, trying to find something anything. I become even more uncomfortable as on my flaws and imperfections are on display, and I start squirming in my seat as I divert my eyes away from his.

He grits his teeth at the gesture until he finally speaks breaking the dead long silence. "Bellissima, Look at me when I'm fucking talking to you."

It's like he had enough because the next thing I know the strong grip on my face leaves as he takes a seat right across from me.
I can do nothing but sit still as he adjust himself into the seat.
He rest both of his arms into the arm chair, his sleeves are folded up to his elbows which allows me to see the many tattoos addorned on his muscular arms.

His body is covered in them, from his hands, to arms, to neck I can only imagine what lies under his white dress shirt.

He's addorned in expensive jelewry, from his rings on his inked hands to his chains that rest beautifuly on his inked neck.
He brings the cigar to his lips as his gaze freely trails my body, The action diverting my eyes to his full plump lips.

Yet I'm snapped out of my unpure thoughts as his next words cut me off, "Whats your name." He ask unbothered as he blows the smoke from his lips.

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