12 || Hulk

35 1 0

Song: The weekend- I was never there [sped up]



Despair, terror, and fright is what I felt the moment the large door closed. Trapping me into my very own nightmare.

Designed for me and myself only.


The reason I fear it is for in the dark you cannot see, cannot hear, and cannot know what's coming. For the human eye is yet so limited. Not being able to prepare for an attack.

Cries of terror feel the dark room in which I cannot hear, cries of despair begin to rise clawing out in search for an exit, finding none.
And cries of pure fright in search for a light, a hope, a dream, something to fight, to live for, dying down in realization that there is none.

I stay there glued to my spot not being able to move, whispering the same words that were said to help me.

It was sad that, that day I didn't realize those words weren't for me. There were made for someone else who chose a different path then I did. It wasn't my shoes to fill, yet I was forced into a size to big. Having no choice but to learn how to walk in them.

"I'm weak, for I need to be a force in order to survive,I cannot fear or pity for then I will die."


My legs numb from whatever they injected inside of me I'm glued to spot. Not able to move, Darkness fills the room I'm forced into until a small light shines through easing my blood.

Nobody, no one, is here just me, myself and I. Taking all the remaining strength left inside of me I force my eyelids open trying my best to shake of the drug.

Sitting waiting to regain my strength I can't help but think why they would leave me in such and open space unattended. I mean what if I try to run?

The last thing filling my memory would be the beautiful home built like a palace. The beautiful night sky shinning over the mansion casting a glow on the huge pools of water before it. Palms trees adding life to the dark brick, the pillars saying so much history.

I find myself not being able to help my consciousness of remembering the lovesome place papa built for mama and I.
It brought tears of joy and content to her eyes, later on those same tears turning into tears of distress and misery.

People change they say and it's not always for the better.
He changed and over the years the change became worse and worse. But we stayed believing a lie, believing that one day he would see how he hurt us and turn from his wicked ways but that day never came.

I know he was hurt, hurting people hurt others and some days were just really hard to forgive him but somewhere inside me I found the compassion to always give him another chance.

I know he never meant the pain he caused, that he was only trying to make us stronger, everything he did, he did it with reason.

All the times he would lock me in a dark room for hours growing up, I knew there was an ulterior motive. To make me stronger, to make me overcome my fears.

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