1 || Work

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Here I am looking in the mirror at my tired figure thinking if I should even go through my with my day.

Sinking deeper into my warm sheets, enjoying the comfort I force myself to turn on my side, my back protesting against it. I grab my phone on my night stand turning it on, my light brown irises immediately straining at the brightness of the screen in my hand.

I get out of bed immediately seeing that it's already 8:00, putting on my black and white fluffy slippers and turning my music on blast as I start fixing my bed thinking how my day should go good today.

I step into my glass shower turning on the shower head to wet my dark curls as I condition them and start to gently massage my scalp with my fingers in a steady circular pace.

Enjoying the euphoric feeling as my body melts into the warm water.

That feeling is cut short thought as my second alarm starts blaring trough the penthouse.

Shit it's already 8:30 I sight out heavily while scrubbing my body with my champagne and honey scented body wash.

Stepping out of the shower I quickly turn to my walk in my closet moisturizing my soft caramel skin then putting my suit on over my lingerie.

I turn to my mirror, hair up or down,

Up it is as I say as I start tying my hair into a bun leaving some curls strands in the front. I then put my lashes on followed by my concealer and lip gloss.

Grabbing my Phone keys and purse I exit the penthouse into the elevator pressing p1 to my personal garage in the building, standing infront of 3 cars I choose my black CLA Mercedes.


All these ugly looks and stares for what, like shit I know I'm famously know as New York's best lawyer but come on, really.

Walking throught places can be hell sometimes especially walking through the hallways of my own firm. Yet I don't really give two shits because I'm the one that owns this entire building not them.

However when it's not hell it's a fake heaven, filled with a bunch of fake people, fake smiles and gifts.

Here's one thing I hate about people, their be your 'friends' when you're either lower then them in life or they so call think their above you.

Therefore once they know your above them in life everything suddenly changes.

Either they do everything in their power to bring you back down to their level, or every single bitch that wouldn't pay your existence any mind will all suddenly start giving a fuck about you

Or their pretend too.

Fuck them all tho because Im getting to where I want to officially be in my life. They say the top is lonely but that saying is wrong, Its not lonely at all, it's just every single person and being around you is a fake ass bitch just like plastic.

Their just after what you can offer and give them, and worse cases what they can steel.

I set my medium sized smoothie on my desk along with my salad.
As I get comfy in my chair taking all my needed paper work and getting ready to go through them.

Spinning around on my chair I stare out the floor to ceiling windows, as I watch the city beyond the glass. Cars constantly driving at such a high pace, people in a hurry to get to their next destination, but what I'm really looking at is the beautiful bright blue sky.

Asking my self if all this is worth it, if it was worth leav-

"ALEYNA" Nick yells bursting into my office cutting me out of my thoughts. My thoughts are cut short as I turn to stare at a flushed Nick, His breathing is erratic he's sweating all over and his beautiful well once beautiful green eyes have dark bags under them.

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